Thursday, March 18, 2021

Reflective vest in the car


Some changes have been made to the Rules of the road this year. For example, the new paragraph 2.3.4 of the SDA indicates that the driver is obliged to get out of the car in a jacket or vest with reflective tapes if an accident or a forced stop occurs at night or in conditions of limited visibility.


This means that when the vehicle stops, the driver must go out wearing clothing that will ensure his safety. Note that this rule does not apply to passengers yet. There is no specification at what distance visibility should be limited. Forced stop - this definition refers to cases when the vehicle breaks down abruptly, the driver feels bad, or there is an obstacle on the road. Note that such amendments were made for a reason. Experts took into account the number of road accidents, which has grown significantly in recent years. In 2019, 50 motorists died in the country, who was knocked down right next to the car. The main reason is poor visibility on the road. If a reflective vest is used, visibility can be increased up to 150 meters if the driver drives with low beam headlights. When cars on the road move with high beams, the indicator will increase to 250 meters. Thanks to this, the driver will have an additional 30 seconds to avoid a person on the side of the road without an accident. Also, when developing this rule, the experience of other countries was taken into account, where for a very long time vests with reflectors have been an obligatory item in a car, like a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. When such garments are made, a background and reflective element are used. The background can glow under ultraviolet light. Reflective parts include elements that can reflect the rays falling on them. The innovation has already received a lot of positive feedback from experts. On the road, this addition shows itself with all its effectiveness. It will not be difficult for drivers to follow such a simple rule - a vest does not cost much, but you can store it anywhere. In any case, such clothes can save a life in one day.


Note that if the movement in a vehicle is carried out in an urban environment, it is not at all necessary to carry a vest with you and prove its presence to a traffic police officer. However, if you are planning a long trip, you need to stock up on such an element. The researchers claim that the use of such clothing will help reduce the rate of road accidents by up to 70%. How to choose a vest. Reflective clothing must meet all requirements. It is imperative to have strong tags on which all the necessary information will be indicated. The vest can be purchased at many stores. There are some requirements for such clothes:


1. The presence of cutouts for sleeves and torso girth;

2. The width of the reflective element is at least 5 cm;

3. The presence of two horizontal stripes - the lower one is 5 cm from the bottom, the upper one is 5 cm from the lower strip;

4. The presence of two vertical stripes;

5. It is permissible to use vests in the following colors - yellow, red, light green, orange;

6. Vests can be used if there is only one horizontal stripe;

7. The material should be fluorescent polyester.


Is there a penalty for not wearing a vest? Today, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not specify any punishment if the driver does not carry a vest with him. This type of clothing has not yet been designated as mandatory. However, if the driver stops the vehicle on the side of the road at night or in poor visibility, he must wear a reflective vest. Otherwise, you can get a fine of 500 rubles. If an accident happened under the same conditions and the driver got out of the car without a vest, the fine will be 1,000 rubles. Bottom line. A reflective vest in a car is an innovation in traffic rules. Such an element helps to reduce the number of accidents on the road because, in the dark, you can see the reflective elements from afar.