Saturday, September 27, 2014

combine reflective fabric with LED technology

In autumn, the conditions for cyclists deteriorate. Among other things, it gets dark earlier. Cyclists still see the road is not unimportant, but more importantly, that they themselves be seen. This can be realized by wearing reflective safety vest with reflective fabrics or equipping the bikes with reflector.
Slowly but surely, the summer time is ticking to a close. At the latest, when on 26 October, the clocks must be reset and the days are getting shorter, wins the bike lights in importance. Fortunately, gone are the days when cyclists with funzeligen bulbs groped through the darkness, and the energy for the dangerous inadequate lighting was from a rubbing on the front tire dynamo which his ministry largely ceased in the rain.
Today, the current for the front and rear lights usually comes from a hub dynamo that operates reliably and without much loss. And the incandescent and halogen bulbs now a thing of the past. Modern lighting systems on bicycles, and even more so in the e-bikes put on LED technology. The current headlights can measure the brightness of car headlights are quite. In contrast to the firmly integrated in the bodywork automotive lighting, modern Radscheinwerfer but must be periodically readjusted. Due to the constant vibrations and jostling at the parking spaces it is easy to feigned headlights so that the wheels can even mutate with the legally prescribed minimum thickness of ten Lux dangerous blenders. Is optimally set of bike lights, when the center of the light cone meets approximately ten meters on the street in front of the wheel.
Before launching into the dark season, the lighting system must be thoroughly checked. This primarily involves the scrutiny of contacts and connections. Because for the cyclist is not only their own good view, quite literally, a matter of survival, being seen is crucial when the days get shorter. Many bicycle accidents could be avoided if the cyclist would have used appropriate reflective products. They include modern amenities such as parking lights front and rear, to be perceived even when stopping at traffic lights. In addition to simple parking light functions, some manufacturers offer through retailers and rear lights with brake light functions with which the traffic behind is warned not to stop. And most importantly, the cyclists themselves shall wear reflective safety vest or reflective helmets.
For over a year the legislature also allows battery-powered front and rear lights on all types of bicycles. However, this lighting requires a marketing authorization for the Federal Motor Transport Authority, which is characterized by wavy line and K-number. "The lights," said Frank Regge from lighting specialists Busch & Müller's press bike, "must have a clear cut-off edge so as not to blind oncoming traffic." Everyday and touring bikes should not be in their own security interest on a fixed waiving installed system with stand, brake and daytime running lights. Also required are the (prescribed) reflectors on the rear, the so-called cat's eyes, and in the spokes of the wheels. Additional protection brings tires with integrated reflective tapes and reflectors on the helmets.
The winner of the new rule are the e-bikes, which already supplied the lighting system with energy from the battery of the drive and reflective products like reflective safety vest or helmets in the past. Thus, the producers offered strictly to illegal wheels. When buying a Pedelcs you have terrible lighting devote more than a glance, because retrofits are these wheels not readily possible because the plants are adapted to the individual models. In a subsequent conversion on your own, the electronics can be damaged.