Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The police are handing out reflective bags


This year alone, over 30 road incidents involving pedestrians took place in Rybnik. Three people were killed. Our city is the leader in this respect in the Silesian Voivodeship. Therefore, today uniforms were handing out reflective shopping bags in the car park in Chwałowice.


These data do not inspire optimism.


"This year, more than 30 road incidents involving pedestrians were recorded in Rybnik. Three people died. Converting it into 32 poviats in the Śląskie Voivodeship, Rybnik, unfortunately, leads in the statistics. It's not entirely safe here. That is why our presence in the city is not accidental," says Commissioner Tomasz Bratek from the Road Traffic Department of KWP Katowice.


Uniforms from the capital of our voivodeship together with policemen from Rybnik handed out reflective bags with reflective tape for shopping in the parking lot in Chwałowice.


"There is one goal - to improve safety among seniors on our roads. We talk to them about it because they are not aware of. The numbers make it clear what every second pedestrian over 60 who took part in the incident - dies on our roads," adds the policeman.


The Silesian Voivodship Office in Katowice handed over several hundred such bags to the uniforms from the Provincial Police Headquarters.


"We want to reach all the inhabitants of the voivodeship who need such a bag. New engineering solutions would improve safety best, but we want to act realistically, here and now. We give them bags with reflective elements that will be used to improve the visibility of pedestrians at night," we learn.


A person with such a bag will be visible to the driver from a distance of more than 200 meters.