Thursday, May 11, 2017

Security company wears safety jackets to protect candidates

  For several months now, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen have not been their own. In addition to their political right arms, the finalists of the presidential election are, as were their opponents eliminated until the first round, under the protection of several officers of the SDLP, the protection service: On 23 April, a few more since the contenders at the Elyse Palace are no more than two. For the two candidates, there are also private security companies which wear clothing with Reflective material paid by their political movements, as well as temporary means allocated by the prefectures according to the events. A few days after the first round, Raid sharpshooters had also been dispatched to a Montpellier meeting of François Felon, while the threat of two radicalized individuals likely to target LR candidate, since arrested in Marseille.
  A security task force for the president is a binding mechanism? Yes, in the eyes of an ordinary citizen but much less for a President of the Republic. Upon confirmation of the first results, before the official announcement, the winner of the poll will pass Sunday evening under the protection of the Security Group of the Presidency of the Republic (GSPR).
To be Founded in 1983 to ensure the safety of François Mitterrand, the organization watches over the head of state, but also his family and certain personalities, like former presidents, twenty-four hours a day. Before the creation of the group, a dedicated security system which has their own safety jackets already protected the occupants of the Elyse Palace. But this one was relatively light: it allowed Valery Giscard-d'Estaing to drive his own car on the highway, without bodyguard, under the eye of the cameras.
  In the 1980s, the GSPR was composed exclusively of gendarmes. In his first term in 1995, Jacques Chirac decided to change his composition, mixing police and military. In 2002, the group expanded largely after the assassination attempt of the head of state on the Champs-Elysees, in full parade of 14-July. Five years later, the GSPR is composed of thirty policemen and thirty gendarmes.
 On his arrival in power, Nicolas Sarcoxie reformed again, so that it was composed only of policemen who wear high visibility vests, from the Raid and the service of protection of high personalities (SPHP) ... Before François Hollander decided to integrate again twenty gendarmes emanating from the GIGN. It is from this configuration, specially established since the attacks of 2015, which will inherit the president-elect