Thursday, November 29, 2018

Brigitte Bardot and other celebrities join the revolt of yellow vests in France

The movement of the yellow vests has begun to receive the public support of the characters "people", famous of the most diverse sensibility, from Brigitte Bardot, national legend, a rapper musician who has become a millionaire singing horrors that have great success, the suburbs of Paris and the big cities.

It is a flammable evolution of the national crisis of the yellow vests, a movement without direction, without organization or official spokespersons, which protests against the rise in the price of fuels and the high cost of living.

Beyond the anecdote, more or less picturesque, the public support of Bardot and Kauris seems to be the beginning of an evolution between popular and populist that Marine Le Pen, to the extreme right, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, to the extreme left, they support with the evidently political aim of «appropriating» a revolt of contours as imprecise as they are unpredictable.

Bardot and Kauris, among other personalities, have begun to be photographed wearing a yellow vest with reflective tape for clothing. Personalities are little known outside France, but very popular in their homeland, have begun to declare their support for the yellow frond. Singer Pierre Perrot, actor Franck Dubos, comedian Arnaud Ducet, television presenters Patrick Sebastian and Cyril Hanuman, among many others, have photographed themselves with yellow vests or made statements of support for the movement.

Macron's invitation to negotiate fails
The great national speech of Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday morning, inviting the yellow vests with reflective materials to participate in the negotiation of a new social contract, has not had any success. Here and there, throughout France, there are calls for new days of struggle, protest, cutting roads and highways.

Without national organization, without official spokesmen, the yellow safety vests proliferate and "bloom" everywhere, without it being easy to gauge the exact scope of the movement. Numerous analysts think that this front could be the beginning of a new national populist movement or more defined political contours, but disturbing for the unions and traditional political parties, apparently sunk in a lack of understanding and lack of evident representativeness.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Do not charge, think, anticipate threats

The current aura forces the change of driving technique - unfortunately, many drivers forget about it. Police officers appeal for prudence and common sense. Incorrect speed to the conditions on the road may be the cause of the tragedy. Especially when it rains, which significantly reduces visibility and lengthens the braking distance.

The autumn weather makes the conditions on the road very changeable, more treacherous and dangerous for both drivers and pedestrians. That's why traffic cops appeal to everyone, both drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, to be especially cautious and careful.

Over the weekend, there were eleven road collisions in the Sanok.

The most common reason for the incidents was maladjustment of speed to conditions on the road or failure to exercise due caution. In two cases, there was a collision with forest animals.


In connection with rainfall, roadways can be slippery, and in such situations, the wheels easily lose their grip. Remember that in many different places the road surface combined with rainfall, extends the braking distance of the vehicle, in extreme cases, the driver may slip and not control the car. Overtaking in such conditions, passing, cornering can be very dangerous. Drivers should remember to navigate the road with lights on and observe the speed limits, and when weather conditions are worse, to slow down according to the principle that slower means safer. We appeal not to charge, think or anticipate threats.

You should pay special attention to the depressions of the terrain, on hills, near forests and water reservoirs - the road can be particularly slippery there. Exercise extreme caution near pedestrian crossings. Also, be careful when commuting to them. If the pedestrian enters the passage, the driver may not slow down.

We send a special appeal to the pedestrians so that they do not go directly in front of the oncoming vehicle. Even at a pedestrian crossing, make sure that the driver can stop the vehicle. Of course, the pedestrian takes precedence over the passage, but here the principle of limited trust is most applicable.

Every pedestrian and cyclist should also remember about their safety and take care to be visible. A reflective vest, keychain, headband which made by reflective tape or even a flashlight will make it easier to see the oncoming driver when moving on a poorly lit road. We would like to remind you that from August 31, 2014, all pedestrians who move around the dusk along the way outside the built-up area must have a reflection visible to the drivers. The lack of a reflective material is threatened by a fine. Although traffic regulations do not impose an obligation to use vests and reflective elements in the built-up area, they, to a large extent, improve visibility. They give drivers valuable time to take the right response - often saving lives and health.

Remember - the speed allowed during intense rainfall does not always mean speed SAFE!

It is also important to remember about proper and compliant use of fog lights and daytime running lights (Article 51 of the Law on Road Traffic).

An additional difficulty during this period (not only for drivers) is often worse well-being. The bad mood can affect the speed of reaction and concentration, which is also worth remembering when moving on the road.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Today, RATB controllers wear blue reflective vests

The controllers of the Bucharest Transport Company will be easier to identify.

Starting today, they all wear blue reflective vests and have the RATB logo printed.

On the back of the vest, it is written in large letters CONTROL.

The measure was taken by RATB to encourage those who travel with the means of transport to validate their travel cards.

The director hopes to increase his proceeds - said at FM, the RATB spokesman.