Thursday, May 30, 2019

Traffic rules will stop changing every month

Traffic police admitted: drivers do not have time to remember all the new amendments.

The rules of the road in Russia change so often that drivers do not have time to memorize all these amendments. This problem was recognized by the head of the traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov, and temporarily forbade his subordinates to redraw the traffic rules.

"Constantly changing the rules to a greater degree are not communicated to the population," Chernikov added. "Some citizens during training in driving schools are asked to introduce an additional course where they will read what is new."

At the same time, the State Traffic Inspectorate clarifies that this is an internal departmental moratorium. That is, the traffic rules may still change if such proposals are received, for example, from the Ministry of Transport.

By the way, the last package of changes in traffic regulations comes into force tomorrow, December 14, 2018. New road signs are introduced: "Bicycle zone", "Customs control point" and "Parking only vehicles of the diplomatic corps".

And a week earlier, on December 8, another amendment canceled the obligatory identification mark "Spikes" on cars.

Some of the other changes introduced this year include new roundabout rules (priority was given to cars driving around the ring), the introduction of blue markings (to designate lanes at intersections), and the requirement for drivers to wear reflective vests when the vehicle is forced to stop.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The action "Traffic regulations - the law of life on the road!"

Pupils of school number 11 reminded the Berd residents how to cross the road in order to stay alive and not become a cause of an accident.

On the eve of the summer school holidays, employees of the Novosibirsk State Traffic Inspectorate carry out a set of preventive measures to prevent the facts of road accidents involving minor children.

Schoolchildren and teachers of educational institutions of the city of Berdsk take an active part in this. Volunteers of the "UID" school squads conduct preventive conversations among peers about traffic observance, explanatory work among parents, as well as thematic actions for road users on safety issues on the streets and roads.

Employees of the traffic police regiment of the traffic police in the Novosibirsk region, together with activists of the "UID" squadron of school No. 11, conducted a preventive campaign in "Berdsk" "The SDA - the law of life on the road!" The organizers of the action turned to pedestrians and drivers to comply strictly with the requirements of the rules of the road, to be attentive and disciplined on the roads.

Near the pedestrian crossing, adults and young pedestrians were informed about the causes of road accidents, told them about the rules for crossing the roadway, about increased attention and caution near the road, about the use of reflective tapes on clothes and bags in a dark period of time. Each participant of the action was handed a memo "Traffic violation - the law of life on the road!" And a reflective sticker.

A personal example of crossing the street, the guys demonstrated the algorithm of safe passage, and also reminded drivers that every pedestrian is a full participant in traffic and takes priority in the pedestrian crossing zone.

There are a lot of road users, and the law of safety on the road is the same for everybody - it is a traffic police. A small collection of rules, for each item which has a huge number of traffic accidents and human tragedies. In order for all the streets and roads to become safe, you only need to know and follow these rules, we are confident in the traffic police promotion group for the Novosibirsk region traffic police.

Friday, May 24, 2019

In the post offices of Kuzbass will sell flickers

Reflective elements for pedestrians will be available in October.

Kemerovo region joined the joint action of the traffic police and Russian Post. Now in all post offices of Kuzbass flickers will be on sale. Retro-reflective materials can be attached to clothing in the form of icons and bracelets, hang on the bags and backpacks in the form of key chains, as well as sew on clothing. The official website of the Russian Post notes that they will all be cheap - no more than 100 rubles.

The joint action of traffic police and postal service is aimed at protecting pedestrians. In the dark, many drivers do not notice people at crossings and near the tracks, and flickers are designed to solve this problem. The usual reflective tape, which is sold in many stores, is not in demand: many people do not want to spoil the type of clothing. Flickers, especially temporary ones, will get rid of inconveniences for both pedestrians and drivers, consider the organizers of the action.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Traffic chooses O Grove to encourage the use of reflective vests among cyclists

Agents of the Civil Guard distributed these elements among users who circulated yesterday by the PO-316 -This road is within the "Protected Cycling Routes"

Agents of the Civil Guard of Traffic of the subsector of Pontevedra distributed yesterday reflective vests between the cyclists who circulated by the PO-316, to the height of the roundabout of San Vicente de O Grove. The members of Traffic stayed at that point for one hour with the aim of promoting and promoting the use of high visibility garments among cyclists to improve their safety before other drivers of vehicles.

The campaign has been launched in O Grove but will be extended to the whole province, focusing, above all, on those roads classified as "Protected Cycling Routes" that run throughout Pontevedra and that in O Salnés are concentrated in the area of the peninsula Mecca and Sanxenxo. The campaign launched by the Traffic Subsector of the Civil Guard of Pontevedra has the collaboration of the Galician Federation of Cycling, aware that their federated and bicycle lovers are risking their lives on more than one occasion when they go out to enjoy a sport that, each time, has many more followers.

The choice of the San Vicente roundabout has not been a coincidence, since the PO-316, a road that crosses the Isthmus of A Lanzada, is included within the Protected Cycling Routes, that is, within a group of roads that are used to to be used by cyclists on a regular basis and that has led the Traffic Department to highlight them in order to avoid the occurrence of abuses in them.

In Galicia, there are a total of 12 roads included in this catalog, which add nearly 700 kilometers in which to enjoy the bicycle without the fear of being hit by a vehicle. In these paths, the DGT has implemented a series of measures such as the signaling of the route, the temporary reduction of the speed limit and greater vigilance by the Civil Guard agents in compliance with the rules, in particular, the respect to the lateral distance in overtaking (1.5 meters minimum), the inadequate speed or the anti-regulation maneuvers. This last measure not only applies to car drivers but also controls cyclists.

In addition to the PO-316, PO-312 and the PO-317 (San Vicente road) included in this program are also located in O Grove, among the cyclists. valued in a very positive way, since it guarantees certain security in each one of your exits at the time of circulating through these spaces.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Warning clothing meets the new standard EN ISO 20471

New warning clothing standard: progress, clutter or everything "half as bad"?

EN ISO 20471 is the first international standard for high visibility clothing. It replaces the European standard EN 471.

But what changes? And what does the new standard mean for manufacturers and distributors as well as for consumers/buyers of the clothing previously manufactured according to EN 471?

This brings with it the new warning clothing standard EN ISO 20471.
With the new EN ISO20471 requirements for warning clothing for use are set for the first time risk-related, in 3 classes especially for the protection against "high risk". The previous interpretation "for professional or professional use" of the EN 471 is thus a thing of the past.

Class 3 is still the highest and Class 1 is the lowest level of protection, depending on the quantities of warning material (background material) and reflex (retro-reflective material).

IMPORTANT: For the use of the lowest class 1 warning clothing, it is advisable to combine it with clothing of the higher classes to increase the visibility.

According to EN ISO 20471, the amount of warning background material is now determined "net". That is, without logos or other (also provided) imprints.

The warning reflective fabric must definitely also enclose the torso for high-risk clothing (class 2 + 3) for better visibility from all sides. High Class 3 must always wear clothes with sleeves.

Another new feature is that only the higher quality level 2 is allowed for reflective strips. The mention of the previous number in the new pictogram is therefore omitted.

The properties of the classes must now be retained even after at least 5 washes.

The biggest change in EN ISO 20471 is that warning clothing is considered and assessed in terms of "risk". This particularly helps the consumer in assessing which warning clothing is suitable for the particular application. The extensive range of warning clothing from KIND easily meets all requirements.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Back to school: how to choose the binder of my child?

Choosing the schoolbag of your child is important because it will keep it for a whole school year, and sometimes more. To find the right one, follow the guide!

Many parents leave their choice of schoolbag to their child. But if it is he who chooses it, you must still make sure that it corresponds to his needs. According to the Ministry of National Education, the average weight of the backpack for the school is 8.5kg. That's almost 20% of the weight of the student when it should not exceed 10 %! To prevent your child from having pain in the back, neck or shoulders, you must choose it.

Back to school: how to choose your schoolbag?
The first thing is that you have to choose a backpack designed for children. Thus, it will be adapted to their morphology and designed in lighter materials, not to add weight unnecessarily. Then, it is important that the binder does not rest too much on the neck or the shoulders, so you have to take it near the body and with two straps and not on the shoulder. These should be wide and well padded for your child to be comfortable. Finally, do not adjust too long: "to avoid accentuating the camber of the back, the backpack must remain 5 cm from the waist," says ShopALike. It's also better if the bag has reflective tape or reflective material so your child can be seen by motorists when it's dark going in or out of school.

Choosing a backpack with outer pockets is a good idea to spread the weight of the business. The handles on the top allow to raise it without too much leaning and thus limit the effort of the back and the shoulders. Finally, school bags with wheels are a good option for elementary and middle school students since weight is not always on the shoulders. But you still need suspenders so he does not have to lift it at arm's length on the stairs.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A reflective tour of the province

A reflective tour of the province is underway Mazowieckie. Today, the students of the General Education School in Mogielnica in the Grójec district received reflective vests.

This is the next edition of the "You are visible, you're safe" campaign, organized by the Provincial Road Traffic Center in Radom and the Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Over 120 students of grades I-VII received reflective elements. They had the opportunity to practice their skills on a bicycle obstacle course. They also familiarized themselves with the principles of first aid and road safety.

"Today, the children got sets with four reflective elements. These are two wristbands that can be put on your arm, leg and two pendants, which you can attach to your backpack or keys," said Tomasz Jagodziński from the Marshal's Office.

"In addition to learning, safety and health are in the first place. This campaign should be promoted by all schools to make young people aware that this safety is the most important thing for their lives," said Jolanta Tomczyk, the director of ZSO.

"Every action that will save a human life is the most important one. If any visible and visible reflection allows the car not to enter only one person, then it is already a success," said the councilor of Mazovia regional council Leszek Przybytniak.

The Grójec police and fire brigade were also involved in the reflective action in Mogielnica.

"Reflective materials are very important, especially important among the youngest ones. There are no sidewalks in this area, which also significantly affects safety. In addition, now it is not yet clear enough when children go to school, so they will be able to use these reflections for their safety, "said Agnieszka Wójcik, a press officer of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Grójec.

WORD Director Dariusz Piątek is used to several reflective trips a week, but he also sees the effects. The campaign is bearing fruit. "It's getting better. First of all, it is caused not so much by fashion, but by the fact that producers and clothing and those reflections go with the times. It is no longer like one type of hangers, one color. Various elements are produced from hangers, bangles, vests with reflective tapes, through even toys, mascots, bags and it is more and more visible on the streets. This is also visible among people who actively play sports. We start to take care of our own safety," said Dariusz Piątek.

And tomorrow, the campaign "You are visible, you are safe" will visit Sienna.

Monday, May 6, 2019

The reflector can save your life. A story to caution

"If it had a reflective vest, it probably would not have happened to the tragedy," says the police after a fatal accident in the Lublin region. The 39-year-old was walking along the road when it was already dark. He did not have a mandatory reflection. Reporter of the program "Poland and the World" reached the driver who hit the man. This is a cautionary tale. On Saturday, on one of the roads in the Lublin province, near Łuków, there was a tragedy. The driver who wants to remain anonymous drove along the dark road, where there is no lantern. As the man confessed to the reporter, he is still in shock.

"So far my heart is still squeezing. To make this animal, but it is a human being, "the man was saying, crying. "There was a car coming from the opposite side, I changed the lights for a short time," the driver reported. "And at some point I noticed in front of the car from 10 meters, maybe six walking. Unfortunately, I did not miss it. I hooked him with the right side, "he said. The tragedy occurred outside built-up areas. According to the regulations, after dusk, every pedestrian going along such a stretch of road should have a reflective tape on him. The beleaguered Belarusian did not have it. "If he had flares or something, I would definitely notice him and there would be no tragedy," said the man. "They do not want to, because they are ashamed". After dark, outside of built-up areas, the reflections are obligatory for over three years, but the police still stop people who do not remember or do not want to remember. "These people cannot explain in a logical way. They say they did not buy that they forgot that they have, but they do not want to use it, "Asp explained. Marcin Józwik, the police spokesman. "They do not want to, because they are ashamed," he added. According to the police, there are fewer and fewer people from year to year, because more and more people are walking the road in the dark, wanting to lead by example. "I am the driver myself and often at the last minute, I can see someone who is dressed in dark colors and has no armband. That's why I think it's important to have one, "Marta told reporter TVN24.

The pedestrian, who does not have reflective materials, will notice the driver at a distance of about 40 meters at the earliest. Whoever has something reflecting on him can already be seen from 150 meters. However, experts sensitize reflex reflections not equal.  "90 percent of flares, bands that were tested on the Polish market, did not meet any standards, all these elements cannot protect us on the road," said Zofia Mia-Stromsjo, a security expert. "Unfortunately, I will have to live with this" The accident from Łuków is dealt with by the prosecutor's office. For the police, the matter is obvious. The pedestrian did not have obligatory reflections. "Unfortunately, I will have to live with it," the man confessed. The driver who hit the dead man told us about the accident as a warning, because he knows that this situation can happen to everyone. "I will try not to drive at night. And when I have to, it's slowly," he said.