Friday, August 31, 2018

Oise: coach drivers revise their ranges

For three days, 180 drivers from the company attend a training course on safety and road safety, to prepare for the start of the school year. The first day took place on Tuesday, at the Amblainville site.

Hughes adjusts his seat, adjusting the height of his steering wheel. Facing him, a route drawn with studs awaits him. To guide him, a trainer makes signs to him, a yellow reflective vest on the shoulders. Despite his ten years of seniority, the driver will touch a stud during a maneuver. "As long as it's bowling, it's okay," said the 45-year-old. If it had been a pedestrian, he would have hurt his feet. "

On the program, three workshops. One, security. The other, driving. And a last for drivers to learn about their new circuits. A way to prepare for the start of the school year that is approaching, and to review its fundamentals.

After two months of vacation, you have to do the right things
The man with the high visibility vest is Jean-Luc, trainer for sixteen years. "The driver, after two months off during the school holidays, may have forgotten some mastery in driving," he says.

Jonathan, who passed his license D just a year ago, is very much in favor of this initiative. "It allows," he says, "to have advice from more experienced people. He himself admits it: he still has some progress to make certain points. "For example, I know I tend to stick too much to the shoreline (which separates the shoulder from the road, Editor's note)," he says. "The most important thing, before you start your service, is to take a ride to check your vehicle, and it can happen that you forget, and you also have to put a vest with reflective material in your car." says Gary, 32.

This day can also accommodate changes that can occur from one return to another. Such as the speed limit of 80km / h, on a part of the departmental roads, entered into force this year. What lengthen the circuit time. "I'm going to have modifications on my line," says Gerard, who makes the trip Visors-Beauvais, morning and evening. "We will have to be careful not to arrive late," he continues. Two more days of internship will follow, Wednesday and Thursday, this time on the site of Beauvais.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The vendors of the ONCE premiere identification vests

The vendors of the ONCE have begun to wear identification vests with reflective tapes as distributors of hope and luck in every corner of Spain. This element of uniformity, an old aspiration of the ONCE, now takes the form so that society can distinguish the 20,000 selling agents of the Organization.

These vests have as objectives the correct uniformity of the sales team; it's simple identification by the clientele and the general public, distinguishing them from other groups and, in particular, from possible illegal gambling agents; as well as the extension of brand image and the principles and values of the ONCE Social Group, as is already the case with the kiosks of the Organization's gaming products, in the process of reform and improvement.

These garments have been provided with a series of reflective materials and characteristics that also contributes to facilitate the exhibition and sale of gaming products that the vendors carry, as well as to facilitate the task.

During the next months, the streets and squares of all the cities and towns will see the green and yellow colors of the ONCE in the reflective vests of those who, day by day, spread illusion and receive the solidarity of the whole society.

In Castile and Leon, a total of 744 vendors will carry the new clothing.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

In Cairo, cycling is a great adventure

Pink cycling

"I drive this way for the first time and it's very good. Only the cars are tiring. "Marat confides in a quieter one of the breaks. "I am married and have children. So to psychically react a little, I set off for something new. And the idea of supporting the fight against breast cancer is a very good opportunity. "

Marat is wearing a pink T-shirt with the campaign symbol just like other girls. October is the global month of fighting this disease. Gentlemen have yellow reflective vests.

One of the clubs is a cyclist, which organizes similar events throughout Cairo each weekend throughout Cairo. And the cycling community in Cairo is said to be growing up.

The President is an example

"After President Sísi showed up while riding a bicycle, the interest in cycling in Egypt increased a lot. And more so now that gasoline is still expensive. Many people have encouraged them to move on. We are changing the mentality of the Egyptians. "says Muhammad Hilmar.

Together with colleagues, he carries out a peloton while driving and helps those who are on the bike for the first time. There are young people in the group, but there is also Mr. Robbie, a high school mathematician, who has been excited about cycling. Similar events take place regularly.

"I'll be retiring in a moment, so I need to keep moving. The man does not get much. He is still moving through the means of transport. And the bike is both healthy and on the other hand it saves money for transport, "he said, adding that the bike gives him extra freedom of movement.

We turn left over several streets full of cars. It's not easy, it sounds like a tire, but it seems that we eventually survived without losing a single cyclist. And I think after this ride everyone would deserve a stay in the climatic spa.