Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Vests, signs, and safety ... What changes for hunters from this 2020 season


Since October 15 and the entry into force of a decree from the Ministry of Ecological Transition in the Official Journal, hunters will have to revise their habits somewhat. It makes 3 concrete actions mandatory - as reported by the Chasse Passion and Chassons.com websites - to reinforce safety when hunting.


Neon vests

Article 1 ( L. 424-15 of the Environment Code ) now requires you to wear a fluorescent safety vest during collective hunting hunts with large game. "The waistcoat can be integrated into a brightly colored garment such as a t-shirt, jacket or cape", specifies the decree.



Any organizer of large game hunts must post temporary signs before the start of the hunt and remove them once they are finished. These signs must be placed on the shoulder or near public roads (municipal, departmental and national roads) to indicate the main entrances to the hunting area.


The issue of providing information to other nature users on these secondary axes is essential to increase everyone's safety.



Last point of the decree: hunters will, every 10 years, be made aware of through training in basic safety rules, at the request of the National Federation of Hunters (FNC). "Holders of a hunting license have a period of 10 years to meet this obligation to upgrade", specifies the order of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.


The Departmental Federation of Hunters will be responsible for setting the terms of information and convocation. The content of this safety training is currently being finalized by the FNC after consultation with the French Biodiversity Office. Also, a departmental security commission will now have to be set up in each departmental or interdepartmental federation. Its opinion will only be advisory.