Thursday, August 1, 2019

Surveillance increases for motorbike law enforcement

Belo Horizonte has already started overseeing moto boys, and it was not difficult to find anyone who does not follow Contran's security resolution.

In a city company with 20 hired moto boys, eight were not working on Monday (4) because they did not adapt to the new rules. "I have a huge demand for new companies, but I won't be able to meet," says businesswoman Jacqueline Grundner.

Contran's resolution requires the motor-vehicle vehicle to contain a wax-cut antenna, reflective chest strap, leg protection, and red rental plate. Already the driver must be over 21 years, more than two years of qualification in category A, wear a reflective helmet and reflective vest and be approved in a specialized course for motorcycle.

Motofretista Ronaldo Vilela only enrolled in a free course on January 24th. Vacancy, there will only be in March. "Standing, waiting, the situation, to see what we are going to do," he says.

Both companies and motorbike drivers can be penalized if they do not comply with the new requirements of the law. Traffic authorities in each state have the autonomy to decide how to enforce enforcement.

In Rio de Janeiro, according to Detran, for now, for the next four months, the supervision will only be educational. In São Paulo, the inspection begins this Tuesday (5), according to the Military Police.

In Belo Horizonte, it has already begun. One of the bikes lacked safety features. The fines go to the company, owner of the vehicle. The boy, who owns the motorcycle, received all the fines in his name. The red plate, leg guard, and motorbike course were missing.

Ronaldo Vilela, who was all within the law, was released. "There was enough time for everyone to be regularized and lawful, understand? You can't complain," he says.