Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Chile requires the child seat and safety vest

Chilean authorities cleared it. Mendoza traveling by car must wear proper seat for children and safety vest up to 9 years. Fines can reach $ 3,000. To "cut" the year and rest of the routine, thousands of Mendoza began yesterday to cross to Chile for the weekend over Easter. In addition to luggage, reservation of accommodation and the list of possible purchases, travelers should be aware of the requirements that are asked to vehicles in the neighboring country.

From the Unit Border Crossings, the Ministry of Interior of Chile, informed Los Andes that within its territory may be required to Argentine motorists the child seat for children less than 9 years and reflective yellow vest. But they clarified that the Scrutinizing Vehicle (VTV) is not mandatory for the native of Mendoza, in the province since neither is.

Attentive to the safety of children traveling by car, the Trans - Andean country recently passed a law to require the use of chairs and seats for children according to their age. "The theme of the chair is required of all persons traveling our country, whatever their nationality,” said Reginald Flores, head of the Unit of Border Crossings of Chile. The official said that police personnel can monitor any street in compliance with this standard.

"While it is not going to demand the chair at the time of the proceedings at the Los Liberators complex when circulating Carabineers he can ask and punish if not portal" he said. Specifically, this implement will be asked for all children up to 9 years. "It has to be located in the back seat," said Flores. He also noted that children between 9 and 12 years old can travel without a chair, but always in the back seat, not the passenger.

With regard to the fines reported that are between 66,000 and 140,000 Chilean pesos, between 1,500 and 3,200 pesos, approximately. "In case of violation, what the policeman is entitled to issue the fine and revoke its license. Then the person has to go to a local police court to pay corresponding "explained Flores.
For him, beyond the economic warning it is highly recommended comply with the measure of the chair because it provides care for children.

Another element that is required is the refractory vest as a result of an existing standard since last year, as told the head of the Unit of Border Crossings. "Any vehicle that is in Chile must have a reflective vest it because it is part of the equipment of the car as the kit and spare tire" listed.

Technical review
"With the technical review There has been controversy since it is enforceable if it is in the country of origin" began to explain Flores and clarified that in some provinces are asked and not in others. He also indicated that if the natives can require other provinces where mandatory. "Similarly as in the case of chairs, that requirement will not have to do with the procedure that is done in the border complex, but may be requested on the route," he added.