Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Some safety equipments that you should have in your car

In the car we carry a lot of things. Which safety equipment should you have in your car? Here are the most important and essential things that should be in it.

This is a device that is legally required in every vehicle. The fire extinguisher in which we should equip our car is the type of ABC that is most commonly used. It is true that one fire extinguisher cannot extinguish a fire, but it will do well in minor emergency situations, and it will also help when waiting for the arrival of a fire brigade. Remember to have the fire extinguisher in good working order, as well as to place it in an easily accessible location.

Warning triangle
This is another piece of equipment that you must have on board. It increases safety while unexpectedly stopping the vehicle on the roadside or roadway, informing other drivers that something unexpected has happened. Let us also remember about the proper placement of the sign in emergency situations. In the built-up area it is 1 meter behind the car, in the inbuilt area at a distance of 30-50 meters, while on a fast road about 120 meters.

Spare wheel or repair kit
At present, manufacturers often choose to place smaller and lighter repair kits. It is worth remembering to have at least one of these things in the car. You never know when a punctured tire can happen, and calling for help can cost us a lot of money and time.

Tire pressure gauge
From 2014, all new cars should be equipped with a built-in tire pressure measuring device. What if we have an older vehicle that does not have it? It is worth getting a portable pressure gauge. Incorrect tire pressure is one of the main reasons for increased fuel consumption in your car. It should also be noted that incorrect pressure causes much faster tire wear. By storing the manometer in the car we are able to check the pressure level in the wheels at any time.

First aid kit
It is not required to have a first aid kit in a vehicle in Poland. However, this is a necessity when you want to go to other countries where this type of equipment is necessary in the vehicle. These are, among others. However, it should be borne in mind that random situations on the road often occur and we may need basic medical elements, either as witnesses or witnesses.

Glass scraper
The Polish climate can move from extreme to extreme. Although the spring weather is approaching us with great strides, they can still catch us frostbite. The humid air with a negative temperature causes that the scraper will allow us to travel faster. Scrapers are small, so they do not take up too much room in the car, and they will certainly be useful in emergencies.

Replacement fluids for vehicle
Always keep spare tire fluid in the trunk, especially in the winter, when the amount of mud falling from under the wheels of other cars will cause significant use. If you drive an older car, it is also a good idea to bring extra engine oil with you. These cars tend to leak oil so that we may not have time to notice when the warning light comes on. Replacement oil for the engine should be sufficient to safely reach the nearest workshop.

Fuses and light bulbs
Having spare fuses and light bulbs should help in emergencies. In the event of a failure of one of them, the continuation of our journey becomes burdensome or impossible. Both things are small enough that they do not occupy a lot of storage space. We also need to get acquainted with the exchange of these items, because sometimes their complicated assembly or disassembly (especially first time) can cause us any problems.

Safety Vest
Good visibility, especially at night or during bad weather, is the basis. Do not save on your safety or the safety of others. In emergency situations, such as changing the wheel at the side of the road, having a reflective vest is essential.

Car charger for phone
The modern world is dominated by mobile devices. In emergencies, such as witnessing an accident or other incident, we may need access to the phone. In such situations, you should have a charged phone. However, we must remember not to use mobile devices while driving.
Being equipped with these 10 things, we can go on a leisurely journey.