Sunday, November 29, 2020

Memo for winter fishing lovers


With the onset of cold weather, ice cover formed on some water bodies of the capital. At this time, it is extremely dangerous to go to its surface. However, every year winter fishing enthusiasts neglect precautions and go out on thin ice, thereby endangering their lives.


With the onset of cold weather, ice cover formed on some water bodies of the capital. At this time, it is extremely dangerous to go to its surface. However, every year winter fishing enthusiasts neglect precautions and go out on thin ice, thereby endangering their lives.


In this regard, the Civil Protection Department of Ufa reminds residents of the capital about precautions and asks to observe safety rules on ice.


So, before you go to do what you love, you need to prepare: tell your loved ones where you are going and when you plan to return, dress for the weather, charge your phone. In addition to tackle, you must take a life safety jacket with you (it will provide additional protection from the wind, and in case of falling under the ice, it will not let you go under the water), an ice pick, a rope at least 5 meters long with a dead loop and a load at the end (the safest option load - a small bag of sand The load will help to throw the rope to the comrade who has fallen into the water, the loop is needed so that the victim can hold on more reliably), handles.


When going out on the ice, you need to make sure that it is strong enough. To do this, you need to measure with a drill. Remember that you only need to measure the thickness of the bedrock ice (sludge-like compressed snow, which makes up the top layer, is not taken into account). It should be remembered that the thickness of the ice is not the same everywhere: near the coast, it can reach 15 - 20 cm, but after just a couple of meters - 5 or 7 cm - the principle works here: the closer to the middle of the reservoir, the thinner the ice.


Also, many hidden factors negatively affect the thickness of the ice, eroding it. Therefore, it is necessary to take measurements throughout the entire journey along a frozen lake or river. It is also a mistake of some fishermen that they rely not on measurements, but on the color of the ice cover when determining the ice thickness.


Note that the safe ice thickness for one person is 10 cm, for a group of people - at least 15 cm.


Before reaching the next measurement site, you will also need to check the ice strength. This is where the pest comes in handy. You should tap the ice surface both in front of you and on both sides from the side. If, after a strong blow, the ice began to crack or water began to seep, then this means that the ice is thin and you cannot walk on it. With sliding steps along your trail, quickly move away from the dangerous place to the shore.


Remember that it is not safe to gather in large groups in one place. The distance between anglers should be at least 3 meters, and between holes - 5-6 meters. The holes should be small in diameter if you saw that water began to gush with a fountain from the hole, leave this place urgently.


It is also necessary to pay attention to changes in weather conditions, if the air temperature above 0 degrees remains for more than 3 days, then the ice strength decreases by 25%. In no case should you go out on the ice at night and in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain).