Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Soacha prohibits the barbecue man on a motorcycle at night


Soacha will have a restriction on the male barbecue as a strategy to contain thefts in the municipality. This Monday, the municipal mayor, Juan Carlos Saldarriaga, confirmed that there will be a prohibition to transport a male barbecue between 9 pm and 4 am.


The president explained that, according to the authorities' figures, "about 70 percent of the thefts that are they have caused in the city in January they have been by a barbecue on a motorcycle". He even specified that the majority of attacks are occurring between midnight and 6 am


Hence, it is decided to implement this measure that, in case of being breached, will be sanctioned with the immobilization of the motorcycle and a fine of 483,000 pesos. There is no type of exception contemplated in the decree.


Regarding the strategy of restricting the movement of grill workers, opinions have historically been divided. Although it is a measure requested by some citizens and social sectors, security experts have viewed it with reserve, starting from the premise that "crime mutates." In the case of Bogotá, for example, when the restriction was made in a polygon in 2018, it was detected that, in some cases, the robberies migrated from places and times and that, at the point of the measure, robberies began to be of other modalities.


The mayor of Soacha said that given the possibility that in that municipality "motor thieves go out at other times", complementary strategies will be implemented. "Controls will be carried out 24 hours a day: a motorcycle with a male barbecue, who passes through a police checkpoint; motorcycle with grill will be required". On the other hand, the president indicated that the police investigation units are on the trail of criminals who have already committed thefts in the municipality.


Alexánder Millán, a motorcyclist from Soacha, claimed to agree with the rule: "They cannot brand that the entire unit is a thief. This is how they will identify the rogues. You use your motorcycle to go to work, not to do damage".


Although Bogotá is also facing a series of insecurity events that involve criminals who move around on motorcycles - with up to 13 cases on average each day - it has ruled out the restriction of the barbecue.


Instead, the Secretary of Security of Bogotá, Hugo Acero, proposed to return to the use of the reflective vest with the plate stamped 24 hours a day.