Sunday, November 29, 2020

Memo for winter fishing lovers


With the onset of cold weather, ice cover formed on some water bodies of the capital. At this time, it is extremely dangerous to go to its surface. However, every year winter fishing enthusiasts neglect precautions and go out on thin ice, thereby endangering their lives.


With the onset of cold weather, ice cover formed on some water bodies of the capital. At this time, it is extremely dangerous to go to its surface. However, every year winter fishing enthusiasts neglect precautions and go out on thin ice, thereby endangering their lives.


In this regard, the Civil Protection Department of Ufa reminds residents of the capital about precautions and asks to observe safety rules on ice.


So, before you go to do what you love, you need to prepare: tell your loved ones where you are going and when you plan to return, dress for the weather, charge your phone. In addition to tackle, you must take a life safety jacket with you (it will provide additional protection from the wind, and in case of falling under the ice, it will not let you go under the water), an ice pick, a rope at least 5 meters long with a dead loop and a load at the end (the safest option load - a small bag of sand The load will help to throw the rope to the comrade who has fallen into the water, the loop is needed so that the victim can hold on more reliably), handles.


When going out on the ice, you need to make sure that it is strong enough. To do this, you need to measure with a drill. Remember that you only need to measure the thickness of the bedrock ice (sludge-like compressed snow, which makes up the top layer, is not taken into account). It should be remembered that the thickness of the ice is not the same everywhere: near the coast, it can reach 15 - 20 cm, but after just a couple of meters - 5 or 7 cm - the principle works here: the closer to the middle of the reservoir, the thinner the ice.


Also, many hidden factors negatively affect the thickness of the ice, eroding it. Therefore, it is necessary to take measurements throughout the entire journey along a frozen lake or river. It is also a mistake of some fishermen that they rely not on measurements, but on the color of the ice cover when determining the ice thickness.


Note that the safe ice thickness for one person is 10 cm, for a group of people - at least 15 cm.


Before reaching the next measurement site, you will also need to check the ice strength. This is where the pest comes in handy. You should tap the ice surface both in front of you and on both sides from the side. If, after a strong blow, the ice began to crack or water began to seep, then this means that the ice is thin and you cannot walk on it. With sliding steps along your trail, quickly move away from the dangerous place to the shore.


Remember that it is not safe to gather in large groups in one place. The distance between anglers should be at least 3 meters, and between holes - 5-6 meters. The holes should be small in diameter if you saw that water began to gush with a fountain from the hole, leave this place urgently.


It is also necessary to pay attention to changes in weather conditions, if the air temperature above 0 degrees remains for more than 3 days, then the ice strength decreases by 25%. In no case should you go out on the ice at night and in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain).

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Roll safely through the winter


In the darker months of the year, light is not only atmospheric, it is also essential to be seen by other road users. Most often, cyclists are injured in accidents with car drivers. This makes the bike light and its correct setting all the more important. In addition to the helmet, the reflectors on the bike and wearing a safety vest provide further protection.


Also, the brakes, tire profiles, rear derailleurs, and reflectors on the pedals and spokes on bicycles should be checked. The workshop professionals from Radsport Bert advise all cyclists in the shop - after making an appointment by telephone- which measures the best suit the condition of the bike.

Monday, November 23, 2020


The police in Ostrow appeal to the inhabitants of the Ostrów to use reflective vests/bands for their health and life when they walk outside the built-up area on the left side of the road in the evening.


The closer to the end of the year, the shorter the days. In the evening and the morning, mists limit visibility on the road. Such conditions are not favorable for both drivers and pedestrians. Before we decide to go out onto an unlit road without glare, let's "put ourselves in the role" of a driver who will be driving this road and will notice a pedestrian-only at the last moment.


In autumn and winter, we choose a darker color for clothes. Unfortunately, when we come out onto an unlit road, we virtually "merge" with the surroundings. From a distance, the driver will only notice the outline of our character, which may well be perceived as a forest animal that is present in large numbers near the roads at this time of year. Therefore, for your safety, it is worth wearing reflective vests when walking outside the built-up area unlit on the left side of the road.


In this way, we signal drivers to be more careful due to the presence of a pedestrian. By putting on a reflective vest, we increase our chances of reaching our destination safely.


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Scooters: the rules to follow


In some cities, news of more or less serious accidents involving electric scooters is too often chased in the local news. At the same time, however, the means for the so-called soft mobility represent one of the possible cornerstones in the transition towards more sustainable urban travel. The use of hoverboards, segways, monowheels, bicycles, and scooters is encouraged both by the mobility bonus and by the need to reduce the crowding of public transport as a measure to combat the pandemic. In short, an important technological resource, which collectively we must learn to exploit in the right way.


But what is allowed and what cannot be done on a scooter? From a legal point of view, the fundamental reference is an amendment approved on December 27, 2019, published in the Official Gazette 3 days later, and in force from January 1, 2020. The law 160/2019 paragraph 75, in particular, equates fledged scooters to bicycles, making them vehicles recognized by Italian law by Articles 68 and 182 of the Highway Code. The only two constraints that must be respected for the scooter-bicycle equivalence to be valid are power and speed maximum: the upper power limit is set at 500 watts (0.5 kW), while the speed limit is 25 km / h, except in pedestrian areas where it is necessary to stay within a maximum of 6 km / h.


Before getting on board

It is all very simple: just like a bicycle, a scooter does not require registration, nor a license plate, nor to wear special protections (for adults), nor to take out an insurance policy. On this last point, however, it is possible to organize independently, through forms of insurance that protect in the event of an accident. Many of the companies that offer urban electric mobility services on two wheels already have policies on their entire fleet, for obvious reasons, but other individual ones can be taken out for damage and accidents. Always present should then be an acoustic signal (the bell), just like on bicycles.


The rest of the things you need to know depends on your age, the time slot you want to use the scooter, and the weather conditions. Under the age of 14, for example, the use of the electric scooter is prohibited, while between the ages of 14 and 18 it is allowed only as long as the user wears a helmet. Over the age of 18, the helmet is only optional, even if there are some stakeholders who (for safety reasons, or simply of economic interest) push for the obligation to be extended to everyone. Weather and time slot, on the other hand, affect visibility. When it gets dark or the conditions are particularly bad, you need to have a headlight with white light and rear light with red light, with a reflector. Furthermore, it is mandatory to wear a reflective vest or similar suspenders.


To be precise, the night mode is foreseen from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before dawn, obviously including all-night hours, plus all those cases in which visibility is compromised by the presence of fog, heavy rain, or in general of perturbations.


Finally, it should be noted that if the maximum power of 500 watts is exceeded, or if a saddle or a seat more than 54 cm above the ground is installed, the scooter would transform from a regulatory point of view into an electric moped, subject to completely different legislation. In particular, the license plate, homologation, registration, driving license, insurance, and homologated helmet would become mandatory. And all the possible fines and administrative penalties would become much higher.


Once onboard

Scooters can't drive everywhere, but just like bicycles, they have a wide choice of roads on which they are allowed. In general, and more than anything else, they can circulate on all urban roads where the limit of 30 or 50 km / h applies (for the scooter, however, the maximum is always 25 km / h). On extra-urban roads, they cannot circulate unless they are flanked by a cycle path: as is obvious scooters can circulate on all cycle paths, while they cannot go where access to bicycles is precluded. Finally, even in urban areas, it is not possible to use a scooter where the limit for cars is higher than 50 km / h, such as on fast roads.


As for the relationship with pedestrians, there are two things to know. In pedestrian areas, they can circulate freely (the speed limit is 6 km / h), while on pavements they cannot be used, except by getting off and transporting them by hand. The pavement rule also applies to pedestrian crossings - unless there is also a cycle crossing next to it - and in general extends to all those situations in which only pedestrians are allowed.


The rest of the rules should first of all be of common sense, even before being sanctioned by law. Only the driver can stay on the scooter, i.e. one person at a time, and you cannot take large and bulky objects with you. A backpack and handbag are allowed, but luggage, animals, friends, and children are not. In the case of a second person on board, one speaks of the infringement of undue transport of passengers. The handlebar should always be held with both hands, except when the arm is extended to signal a turn. And of course, it is forbidden to drive up or make other changes and stunts on the streets and in pedestrian areas.


From the point of view of multiple scooters in formation, it is generally suggested to proceed in a single file. In the streets open to car traffic it is mandatory to keep a single row, while in the pedestrian areas it is allowed that you can proceed with scooters side by side in pairs, but never more than two.


The administrative penalties provided, however, are rather mild. Except in the case in which damage is caused to other people or things (a scenario that is far from rare), the fines amount depending on the type of infringement from 50 to 200 euros. With a combo of infringements, you can still go up to 400 euros. Exceptions to these relatively low figures are the aforementioned cases in which the electric scooter has been rigged to exceed the power limit or modified effectively transforming it into a moped: in addition to the confiscation of the vehicle, penalties of up to several thousand euros are also envisaged, corresponding lack of insurance coverage, driving without a license and much more.


Finally, a positive note: if they can be folded to the size of normal luggage, electric scooters can be taken on board public transport at no extra charge, both on trains and buses.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The police are handing out reflective bags


This year alone, over 30 road incidents involving pedestrians took place in Rybnik. Three people were killed. Our city is the leader in this respect in the Silesian Voivodeship. Therefore, today uniforms were handing out reflective shopping bags in the car park in Chwałowice.


These data do not inspire optimism.


"This year, more than 30 road incidents involving pedestrians were recorded in Rybnik. Three people died. Converting it into 32 poviats in the Śląskie Voivodeship, Rybnik, unfortunately, leads in the statistics. It's not entirely safe here. That is why our presence in the city is not accidental," says Commissioner Tomasz Bratek from the Road Traffic Department of KWP Katowice.


Uniforms from the capital of our voivodeship together with policemen from Rybnik handed out reflective bags with reflective tape for shopping in the parking lot in Chwałowice.


"There is one goal - to improve safety among seniors on our roads. We talk to them about it because they are not aware of. The numbers make it clear what every second pedestrian over 60 who took part in the incident - dies on our roads," adds the policeman.


The Silesian Voivodship Office in Katowice handed over several hundred such bags to the uniforms from the Provincial Police Headquarters.


"We want to reach all the inhabitants of the voivodeship who need such a bag. New engineering solutions would improve safety best, but we want to act realistically, here and now. We give them bags with reflective elements that will be used to improve the visibility of pedestrians at night," we learn.


A person with such a bag will be visible to the driver from a distance of more than 200 meters.

Thursday, November 12, 2020



Petersburg deputies and social activists proposed amendments to the changes in the Ministry of Transport on the means of individual mobility, which category includes electric scooters. On the agenda was the question of prohibiting adolescents under 16 years of age from driving an electric scooter. Those who are allowed to use this type of SIM will be asked to wear reflective vests before traveling. This became known during a roundtable meeting of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the topic "Means of individual mobility. Changes in traffic rules".


ZakSa deputy Alexei Tsivilev, a representative of the St. Petersburg Union of Pedestrians of Russia, proposed raising the age threshold for those wishing to ride an electric scooter. Also, the MP believes that it is also worth changing the handicap and using a vest when traveling.


"If you look at the news feed, in the summer, electric scooters, which are called "black raincoats", pose a danger on the roads. And we are not taking any action while European and American cities regulate the movement of electric scooters. I will give examples of what needs to be changed: to allow the use of SIM on the roads only from the age of 16, since at the age of 14 it is just a child, and at 16 it is the lower limit of bringing to administrative responsibility. The second proposal is to remove the 20 km / h handicap, otherwise, people on the SIM will be injured and die while driving onto the roadway. And third: since we have low illumination of roads, oblige the cyclists to use a reflective vest," said Tsivilev.


Also, the Ministry of Transport compiles a list of SIM, categories of driving bans, as well as amendments to fines. So far, everything is under discussion, since this question remains open for parliamentarians.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The yellow vest is essential in school transport


Many calls have been made recently in town hall indicating that young people taking school transport were not wearing yellow vests. Car drivers indicate that as a result young school children are not visible on the sides of the road and this becomes very risky.


Philippe Berthelot the deputy head of the commission citizenship - safety recalls the obligations: the transport network operating regulations Agglobus (Agglo Saumur) applicable since 1 st June 2020 dictates the implementing rules of wearing a yellow vest with reflective fabric. This is compulsory for students from kindergarten to 3 rd on school circuits and regular lines and holders of a school pass. High school students are invited to wear yellow armbands. The vest and armband must be visible during the day (yellow color) and at night (reflective bands).


Their equipment must be worn on each trip, from waiting at a stop to getting off the couch. For optimal safety, it is strongly recommended to keep the safety equipment during the entire trip to your destination: onboard the bus, from the bus exit to the school, as well as on the journey between home and the breakpoint. Drivers must be careful, pedestrians must think about their safety and wear their vests, parents must remind them of the instructions!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Cyclists are not visible at night


Almost six hundred cyclists caused a car accident in the Moravian-Silesian Region last year. On the cycle path in Bělský Les this afternoon, passing cyclists could choose reflective aids. The police advised them to wear a helmet.


Alcohol can account for one-third of all cyclist accidents. "The most common causes are the wrong way of driving, excessive speed and not giving priority," explains policewoman Martina Jablońská. A scooter is also considered a bicycle on the road.


Police organized the first of the holiday preventive events. Passengers informed on the cycle path in Bělský Les. "A bicycle helmet prevents up to 90 percent of brain injuries," says Jablońská. The most common injury to cyclists is a head injury. "According to the law, it is not obligatory to wear a helmet from the age of 18, but we still recommend cyclists to wear it on a bicycle," the policewoman advises.


The project A Bike with a Helmet Only Celebrates ten years this year. "We focus on ensuring that cyclists have the necessary equipment on their bikes and are visible on the road," says traffic education lecturer Patrik Lang from the Road Safety Team. Together with the police, he handed out reflective tapes and pendants.


"I ride my bike to work almost every day and wear a helmet. I pay attention to the right equipment especially in winter, when it is soon dark, "says cyclist Petr Hajšr from Ostrava-South, who was instructed by the police about road safety.


Police officers plan regular events during the holidays until September. At the weekend, cyclists can meet them on Javorový vrch in the Beskydy Mountains. "We are cooperating with the mountain service. Every holiday weekend, cyclists come across us on the popular mountain bike trails in the region, "adds Lang.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The most important thing is caution and being able to brake properly


In recent years, more than 10,000 per year have been registered in traffic accidents in which a car collides with animals. Also, this number is rising year by year. Accidents in which wild animals are to blame can take various forms, from damage to a vehicle, injuries to people or animals, to completely fatal consequences. Although cars are becoming safer and the consequences of accidents less severe than before, experts urge drivers not to rely on the safety equipment of their vehicles and to pay maximum attention to driving.


According to police statistics, there were over 15,500 traffic accidents last year in which a car collided with forest animals. For comparison, in 2015 it was 6 thousand fewer accidents. According to the police, the estimated damage caused by the collision with the game in 2015 was below 300 million crowns. In 2019, it exceeded the amount of 600 million.


On the roads, animals are most likely to be threatened in the early morning hours before dawn, and then at dusk or dusk. The game most often moves on roads leading through the forest and along with fields.


Road administrators install odor fences in the most critical places, which should at least partially discourage the game from crossing the road. Fences are installed in some places, but this usually only applies to motorway-type roads. Besipu experts emphasize that by far the most effective prevention is to reduce the speed below the value allowed in the given place - especially where the road sign directly warns of the increased occurrence of the game.


No prevention is ever 100%, but there are ways to reduce the risk. Anticipation and reduction of speed have already been discussed. If the driver sees an obstacle at a distance of 60 m, he will not be able to stop from a speed of 90 km / h. On the other hand, at a speed of 80 km / h, the distance to a complete stop is approximately 55 m.


However, heavy braking, which is causing difficulties for some drivers, is proving to be a necessary condition. "Unfortunately, many drivers can't break in a panic," says Škoda Mulač, an analyst at Škoda's traffic safety team. "In a critical situation, you need to kick the brake pedal and brake with all your might until it comes to a complete stop. Pulsation in the pedal due to the action of ABS leads some drivers to subconsciously release it - and this is the biggest mistake, "explains Karel Mulač.


If there is no avoidance and the impending collision cannot be averted, the driver should not try to avoid the collision. The best reaction is to brake hard and hold the steering wheel in the direction of travel at the same time.


Modern cars have such a level of passive safety that they can handle an impact on an animal commonly found in Central Europe without any consequences for the crew. "If the driver does not dodge, he makes the collision in the safest possible way. On the contrary, the effort to avoid a collision usually ends off the road, which in the forest usually means a collision with a tree or a fall from aside. This is how the most serious accidents take place, with the most serious consequences, "adds Karel Mulač.


Today's passenger cars are equipped with several electronic systems, which add a significant dose of active safety to their high level of passive safety. For example, the Front Assist system warns the driver at speeds from 5 to 210 km / h of an imminent collision and, if necessary, brakes the car automatically. supports full braking. Also, this system is supplemented by an emergency brake function designed especially for city traffic at speeds from 5 to 34 km / h.


Adaptive headlights that optimize headlight lighting depending on road configuration and ambient conditions can also help. But paradoxically, these otherwise great helpers may not be to the benefit of drivers in these situations. The animal rarely stands in the way without movement as a solid obstacle. Much more often, he suddenly runs out of the bushes or ditch, and in that case, the assistant can't do much. Likewise, intense lighting causes the animal to get stuck in the road and stop behaving as expected. That is why Besipu experts advise the appropriate combination of high beams with dipped beams.


If the game is close, the driver should manually deactivate the high beams and perform any rinsing with a horn, not a flash.


This, of course, requires the direct involvement of the human factor, adaptive headlights cannot handle it on their own. And so it is more true here than anywhere else: to limit speed, not to rely on assistive technologies, and to be prepared for lightning-fast response.


If an accident occurs, it is important not to panic. The first step in such a case should be to check the health of the crew and possibly call an ambulance. If no injuries have occurred, it is the turn of the reflective vest and the marking of the accident site with a triangle. The accident must also be documented and reported to the Police of the Czech Republic. Never load a dead or injured animal in a car. Such activity, albeit in good faith, is considered poaching. It is advisable to contact the insurance company directly from the accident site.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Traffic cops' trick for drivers driving at night


As you know, Russian traffic police officers still have such a concept as a "plan according to protocols." This is the minimum number of protocols that an inspector must draw up in a month. If this is not done, then, at least, he will not see a prize. So the road guards are trying, resorting to some tricks.


Let's say, in the dark, a certain driver is heading home. At the same time, on the road, he unexpectedly notices a rather large obstacle (a large branch, a fallen road sign, etc.).


The first thing that comes to a person's mind is that the obstacle must be removed so that it does not interfere with the passage of transport. To do this, the driver gets out of his car and goes to the actual obstacle.


And here, like in a movie: the headlights of a patrol car are lit and the traffic cops with contented faces go to the unlucky motorist. The joy in the eyes of the patrolmen is that most Russian motorists forget to put on a reflective vest at night before leaving the vehicle. This means that a protocol will be issued and the driver will have to pay a fine.


Therefore, whatever good intentions do not guide you, be sure to wear a reflective vest before getting out of the car at night. This will protect you from a possible collision with another vehicle and a fine.