Thursday, July 5, 2018

The driver has collapsed after a fatal accident

Police are investigating a tragic accident at Pesky Brood from Tuesday night. Crash with a car did not survive a man and a woman.

"We already know the identity of the people who were murdered: Men, the Year 1955 and Woman, the Year 1962," said police spokeswoman Martina. According to Attu, she was a married couple. The tragedy happened in the evening at the junction of the I / 12 roads, approximately two kilometers from the city.

 The exact circumstances of the tragedy are not yet clear. The car hit by the accident victim was driven by a woman of about thirty-six. "She was not under the influence of alcohol, a man and a woman were not thrown at the pedestrian crossing," she added.

 Fire-fighters were also assisted by the police. According to pictures, from the scene of the accident, the couple died in the middle of the road they apparently tried to run over. The driver was shocked after a collision. "Two members of the post-traumatic care team were called to the accident, the fire brigade provided psychic assistance to the driver of a passenger car, illuminated the place of intervention and cooperated with the Czech Police in the investigation and the subsequent obstruction of the road," Yaroslavl Gabriel, the fire brigade said.

According to the locals at the scene of the accident, many people across the road, but the cars are driving very fast there. "There's a road and a place I know, it's a lot of people going there, but there's not a crossing, there's a hundred, there's a walk in the pedestrians to watch the crossing, and not the car running under the wheels, it's sad, but the pedestrians they should behave a little differently, "Market thinks. "A few accidents have already happened," said George.

"Very often, people come in this dark place, who is, unfortunately, seen in the last few moments, sadly, everyone should think about their health and really have reflective vests," added another woman.

"There are a lot of people without reflective tapes on the road this day! Poor driver," Alana thinks. "Reflective materials will help a lot, but I am sometimes amazed at the speed in these places," added Mire. "When will modernization come on this route? This is not the first accident at this junction. " thinks Michal.

The consequences of the accident were tragic. The man on the spot died, the life of the women rescuers for dozens of minutes fought, unfortunately in vain. "Unfortunately, her vital functions failed to recover, "said Petra, a rescue spokeswoman.