Thursday, December 29, 2016

Reflective vests for national police

The Interior Ministry in 2017 will buy a total of 3,500 female reflective vests for the National Police and Civil Guard, an acquisition that matches the demand in this regard came by agents of the State Security Forces. The department now runs Juan Ignacio Zoido made the acquisition in a contest that will draw to acquire 5,250 units this pledge security, as published by the Servimedia agency.

The demand for female vests for national police and Civil Guards has been raised repeatedly by groups of agents such as the Unified Police Union (SUP) and the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC). This situation has led to a civil guard Salamanca has declared this last November for insubordination after refusing last August to get a male vest and insist on getting a female who had acquired on their own.

At the same time, according to data of the Interior, between 2012 and 2016 they were acquired 39,500 protective vests with reflective tape for State Security Forces. Specifically, 32,681 were for the National Police and Civil Guard for 5226. Also, within this overall figure 1,500 vests were purchased for the Traffic Civil Guard, whose agents have been in the past shootings and assaults during patrol work are included.

As published ABC, the controversy surrounding the safety vests arose when it was found that those of 'life' did not have the same effect on men and women. "They have to be adjusted to the body" to be "real" effective and is "impossible" that which suits a portly 1.90 can be useful to a small woman, denounced the Unified Association of Civil Guards. "Nor is solved with a smaller size,” he notes, because "curves" female make if these safety clothing are "straight" no "protected" and also reduce the ability of movement for actions like "unsheathe the weapon or access the shackles. " Hence, the claim that is in line with the physiognomy of the agents.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The safety vest is included in the bicycle test

Creating safety vest, helmet on, wheel control of traffic safety consultant André Schmitz - and the bicycle examination can begin. The fourth graders of Paul School now took off their cycling proficiency test.

An event that is present every year in elementary school. For the participants it is something special every time. The boys and girls were able for the first time online practice. In the workbook for the third and fourth classes, the young road users in reflective vest train the right behavior on the road, the first time is also a code number. Even the elementary school students are practice using the PC.

Therefore, the Internet has now also found its way into the traffic education," says Hans Jansen, Managing Director of Road Patrol Viersen. In Workbook, there is also the logo a talking computer. Wherever this sign appears, find the children via Internet-depth exercises. "I made it fun to practice on the computer. The issue, however, was really great," said the nine-year-old Emma in reflective clothing. Thanks to the support of Viersen the supply of primary school children in Viersenit is secured with the exercise book for three years.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Watching construction site with wearing safety clothing

Who ever wanted to watch a construction site for a wind farm now has the opportunity to do so with wearing a safety vest? On Tuesday, 20 December interested can visit below Castle Berlepsch from 14 o'clock the construction of wind farms Ellerode.

As Fabian von Berlepsch, whose family farmed the land for the wind farm to the operator Enercon, announced that there will be on that day an approximately 90-minute guided tour of the construction site. There is currently working on the fundamentals. At the free guide and experts are to participate for wind farms, engineers Enercon will explain the planning and construction work. "Because it is an active construction site, equipment with protective safety clothing is required. To obtain these in appropriate numbers, registration is necessary, "says von Berlepsch.

Anyone who wants to join the tour, must be to Thursday, December 15 signing and should, specifying name, phone number, an email address, reflective vest and the shoe size of people participating. The number of participants is limited for safety reasons on 70th.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Seniors spoke of the reflective material

About how important it is setting up reflective elements of the seniors talked policemen from the Municipal Police Headquarters. The organizers of the meeting for seniors were the newspaper, "Every Week" and the Provincial Traffic Centre.

The meeting was organized on the estate was attended by the Permanent seniors from the University of the Third Age Foundation My Time for seniors them. The guests emphasized that even with the compact reflective material the driver is able to see a pedestrian from a distance of 150 meters. It's time to react, which can save lives.

In the autumn and winter, when night falls quickly and the additional pedestrian dressed in dark clothing, the driver becomes practically invisible. And that can lead to tragedy.

Seniors, present at the meeting, they could see in a practical way, how it looks.
The police arranged for their passage cop, realizing that after dark, as well as in case of bad weather, which reduces visibility on the road, the driver sees the pedestrian without glare at the last minute.
No glare caused among pedestrians is also some reluctance; he tried to break the meeting organizers.

Thanks to the practical classes, during which seniors could see how important to our health and life is to assume glare, the participants unanimously declared that they will not forget about them. At the meeting, senior citizens were given reflective tapes.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Safety vest gave Alice warmth and keep it safety

The startled Alice pulls away and runs off with safety reflective vest. Then a nerve-wracking search begins. Miraculously, the dog is found after a freezing night.
It is the nightmare every dog ​​owner: The dog is startled and runs in panic for his life. Almost every animal lover responds with a reflex. He runs after. "That was a mistake," says retrospect Claudia Koch. "I have Alice characterized even more frightened and she continued running." Her dog, a mix of English and French bulldog, comes from a Hungarian breeding station. "It served as a breeding machine and lay only in their box," says the Bühlertannerin. Accordingly, they had no social contacts; the interaction between humans and animals is not familiar. When Alice runs away, she lives only for about two weeks.

The torn canvas out of hand
Claudia Koch goes as so often a walk on Sunday evening on the outskirts. Alice runs quietly alongside, it is attached to a black Flexi leash - these are a line that automatically goes off and roll up. Near the pharmacy live acquaintances of the chef. "But we did not expect that they sit outside and her large dog with its" Koch tells of the decisive moment. "I have taken Alice shorter, so that they become accustomed to and talked to her that she must not be afraid." But it does not help; the dog is frightened and pulls his mistress the leash from her hand. With a set Alice rushes going, turn 90 degrees off and running toward the bus stop. "Alice, stay standing. Cars ", Claudia Koch calls after. Behind Alice spun the canvas on the floor, flies through the air and pounding on the asphalt.

Dog and owner run past the petrol station towards net market. Koch sees Alice momentarily no longer; only hear the noise of the leash. On Bushäusle the dog reduces its speed. Cook hopes to finalize by shouting the dog to stop. But Alice accelerates again. At a hall pass she runs across a field and walk towards Halden and fir Castle. Koch noted that she only wears her slippers and comes out of breath. The slender woman smiles for the first time during her story: "I thought, I need an oxygen tent."

Afraid that Alice freezes
The 44-year-old calls from home the police, the duty officer connect with a "colleague who has a guard dog." This is taken from an interrogation. "They listened to me patiently. I was scared because of the cold. She said, because one does not need the same worry "The policewoman in safety clothing asks:” On what they react? ". At some point Alice hunger. She knows not that long a walk. But should it be somewhere tangled with her leash, I'm a lifetime accusations. "

At 23 set clock family and friends a search. The thermometer shows minus four degrees. "It was not clear where we could still look. And I also did hand hurt from the food bowl shaking, "says Koch. The lorry driver is sleeping that night just over an hour. Again and again she goes to the front door and sees if Alice is in front of it. On Kellereingang she drops a blanket, and a scarf to remind Alice to her mistress.

The family posting on Facebook that Alice is missing. Even the radio station SWR3 brings a short message. Koch still prints at night Flyer from. At 8 am it's back on with the search. Son Steffen (24) does not want to go into work. His boss threatened him over the phone: "Is that all so important? This will have consequences. "Steffen Koch makes itself still with the search. Cook laughs: "The last name I do not know to this day. But she meant it comes to search and then stood there. "Create Kochs and their friends a plan where everybody seeks. In the Buhler Tanner stores Info-list to be hanged. Furthermore, the local hunters are informed. With incipient brightness many people are traveling. Koch is surprised: "I kept asking myself: whether belonging to us? Many also had the phone on the ear. "

Cried with happiness
She goes back to the place where they had the night before the search stopped - but without a functioning flashlight. Several times, the family walked through the Buhler Tanner district Halden. Koch is annoyed: "I hated myself. I cannot go to work and do so as if has been nothing but "Suddenly, it has a local resident in a combined counter and shouts:" The dog is back there, "Koch calls immediately her husband and remembers the reunion on the edge of the houses: "Alice was there, she was not shaking and looked at me with huge eyes." Claudia Koch crying with happiness, the local resident says. "Strange, 20 minutes before they were not there yet" the dog owner wraps Alice in a jacket. Probably the Dog Safety Vest gave some warmth and saved so that Alice's life.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The police are giving away reflective vest

The police Inowroclaw "traffic police" operate under the name of "Pedestrian". They distribute them special reflective vest.

- Recently, we observe an increase of road accidents, where perpetrators are not only directing but also pedestrians. The reasons for this can be seen in the rapidly changing aura weather, rapidly fading light, but also incorrect behavior of road users

Therefore, police officers pay special attention to how they move on the road, pedestrians, or observe the basic rules of the road and if they glare. - During these operations police WRD county Inowrocław equip pedestrian reflective material vest. Moving them especially outside built-up make pedestrians is more visible. 

This will ensure that not only the convenience, but also control. The driver because he sees a pedestrian having reflective elements, even from a distance of several hundred meters - emphasizes Drobniecka.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Marathon runner in reflective clothing gives you best tips

She has won twice in a row - in the marathon at the World Cup in Beijing where she was also the fastest of the Swedish girls. Now she gives you their top tips for autumn and winter running, including wear a reflective vest to keep visible.

Annelie Johansson went from being exerciser to become national team runners in just four years and she has a strong position as one of the fastest long-distance runners in Sweden. Annelie, for example, the only woman who won twice - to keep running races during the winter is one of the secrets behind the success.

- I think it will be easier to get back to racing form if it runs during the winter. I recommend that you run 1-2 times a week to avoid losing running feeling. Do it, it is really difficult to get out so take a while on the treadmill at the gym, says Annelie.

- Add also the more alternative training in the winter, when the body gets the chance to repair itself from any flaws. The key is to maintain fitness and cross-country skiing can be a very good option.
Before each winter season, many wonder how to dress when days and nights are dark and cold.

- I usually have winter tights and a little warmer running reflective jacket or shirt with underwear shirt underneath. It is like the foundation, and then I build on how cold it is. Is it really cold, it becomes both wind panties, knickers and an extra sweater or vest over the top layer? Maybe I change even out skin layer against something that resists moisture if such snows a lot, says Annelie.

The collection Craft Brilliance are tights with napped inside that keeps the heat and uppers with wind panels that protect against wind and rain. The garments are the extra reflective prints for good visibility in all directions - and, moreover, the collection of fluorescent paint to increase visibility. Other items in the collection Craft Brilliance here!

Annelie mean that there are few things that bring so much energy to get out and move around in the fresh air, even if you feel tired and tough when it gets dark early.

How To get despite the cold and darkness - top tips:
1. Spring home from work - so-called transport running. Then you decided earlier in the day and it's getting harder to fold down for another.
2. Spring with nice friends and see it as a social activity. Calm speed is good enough at the autumn session.
3. Skaffa good and stylish workout clothes made with reflective fabric that can withstand all weather conditions and to keep you warm and dry. Glare and headlamp allows you shown extraordinary good.
4. Se to have something good waiting when you get home; a good dinner or a nice bath or anything that you enjoy.

Monday, December 12, 2016

People wear safety vest for torchlight to prevent physical inactivity

People wear safety vest for torchlight to prevent physical inactivity is organized in Beynes Friday at 19:30 from the Town Hall Square.

A Beynes, health professionals (general practitioner, physiotherapist, nurse, dentist, psychologist, midwife, speech therapist...) came together to create the network Better Living Health (MVS). The initial objective was to fight against medical desertification with the project of a multidisciplinary nursing home. Today, the record takes shape. A general arrived in November, a second is expected in January and the nursing home will do.

The fight against obesity
"But our work is not only limited to attracting physicians to Beynes" says Catherine, psychoanalyst and member of the network. "Obesity is a public health issue on which we focus.” To prevent, fight against physical inactivity is one of the ways. This is why the MVS network organizes a first torchlight, this Friday, December 9, at 19:30. All public are invited to this free ride of about an hour. The children in reflective vest will be under the responsibility of parents. "This march is framed by the volunteers of the association with a secure route but asked everyone to respect the safety instructions”, warns Catherine.

Among its guidelines, it is recommended to come up with appropriate clothing, avoid dark clothing. The ideal would be to put reflective jacket. Also have suitable footwear and a flashlight is also recommended.

"During this walk, we will fight against sedentary lifestyles by exchanging. At the end of the prom ENADE, participants will discover how much they have done not in an hour. “And to warm up, and in the mountains, hot chocolate and wine will be served.

Torchlight Friday, December 9th. The appointment is set outside the town hall for a departure that necessarily will at 19:30.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

A reflective jacket test Under Chrome Run

You are looking for a reflective jacket for your workouts? Pierre-Yves you detail the characteristics of the Under Run Chrome jacket he tested.

The tester:  Pierre-Yves
6 sessions / week

Writing Lepape-info told me the Chrome Run jacket of the Under Armour brand to be tested for a few weeks. Luckily and thanks to our beautiful weather, I could test this jacket in different conditions (rain, wind, cold, etc.)

First I will say that this jacket perfectly bears his name. Indeed, thanks to its super reflective fabric could well find its place in the glove box of your car instead of that famous yellow jacket, or just on the back of an agent of roads and bridges. When night comes up or the day falls, or as soon as the sun rises or night goes down ... in short all here to tell you that this jacket is very safe at night and offers maximum visibility while keeping a maximum 'aesthetic.

During the first strides jacket fits snugly to the body and allows full body mobility and upper limb due to the elasticity of the fabric ideally positioned. I've tried this jacket in different conditions. The magic of the new tissue is a real barrier to wind and rain. Although sweating is discharged, this jacket is worn in cool weather (10 degrees max) to avoid overheating. The jacket is a comfort and is very comfortable to wear. I have seen no friction and no irritation, so it is quite possible to wear directly on the skin.

Suspended from a hanger at the end of your workout, it dries relatively quickly and will be operational for your next day's sitting
Two pockets on the side of the jacket allow widely accommodate your smart phone. Too bad the manufacturer is not expected a small inside pocket so it does ride too and a grommet to connect your headphones.

To summarize, this high-end jacket and very comfortable to wear, will perfectly suit you during your workouts fresh and moist, or just to replace your jackets with reflective tape to get to your workouts or competitions.

- Jacket all season
- Protection from wind and rain
- Maximum Visibility
- Comfort

- Prices a bit excessive
- Unsuitable pocket for using an MP3 player

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Safety vests on emergency evacuation bus

Security exercise organized by the County Council from 6th graders.
6th Students in safety vest had to get out as quickly as possible on the bus. In the first trial, it took nearly 30 seconds ... before finally reaching the timer 14 seconds on how to position themselves in the bus and how to get out without embarrassment.

Between these two tests: the valuable guidance of a volunteer of road safety.
For all this was only an exercise officially launching the operation organized by the County Council. Thus Nicolas Lacombe, vice president of the County Council in charge of Education and School Transport, was present, "to show our focus on safety”. Youth, he insists on wearing a yellow reflective vest, "especially when they are waiting in the countryside”.

At the end of the practical exercise, new college students watched a video raising awareness of road safety rules, so that they subsequently adopt in their daily lives, good reflexes. Note that since this year, the regulations were adapted and wearing this reflective fabric vest has become mandatory to access the bus.

In total, all the 6th graders (more than 4,000) have been trained in each college, "transport competence returning next year in the Region, it is probably the last time it is provided by the Department” stated Nicolas Lacombe.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

150 self-service scooters with safety vest in Paris

Self-service scooters join the brigades in Paris. From this Tuesday, 150 electric City-scoots are offered, in the center of Paris, with helmets and yellow safety vest.

The City-scoots are added to the Vélib and Autolib Parisiens from this Tuesday. In the center of the capital, 150 white electric scooters are offered on a self-service basis. To be able to drive them, you must have a permit or be born before 1988. By the fall of 2016, they will be 500 and will cover the entire capital.

To take a City-scoot, no need for key or magnetic card, just have a phone and once registered, download an application. You will know where the scooter is located closest to you. You receive a code that will allow you to start the scooter. You have 10 minutes to go retrieve it. In the saddle of the scooter, there is a helmet and a yellow vest. The scooter is bridled and it does not exceed 45 km / hour.

A City-scoot can be rented from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm in the evening. They do not drive at night to avoid alcoholic drivers who might have an accident. Using a City-scoot costs 28 cents a minute, 20 cents if you take a pack. Count between 3 and 4.5 Euros for an average journey of 15 minutes. To park, it is the scooter that tells you if you are within the authorized perimeter. No need to lock it, just leave it on a spot. The scooter is permanently located.

The designers of City-scoot have been testing in Paris for 6 months with 1,500 people. They propose to the users who would not be used to driving a scooter to follow a free training for the handling of the machine. For now, out of 20,000 trips already made, only three clashes are to be deplored.

City-scoot hopes to make a margin place in Paris. Every day, 120,000 motorized two-wheelers with reflective vest travel the streets of the capital.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Road safety: the students wear safety vest

Bracieux nine college students received the National Order of Merit for their project around the port of yellow reflective vest.

Thursday, June 16, Hubert school in Bracieux has hosted prestigious guests. Valerie Goff, academic director of the department and Alain, Chief of Staff of the prefect, had traveled to greet the “amazing work and smart" 9 students.
For over a year, these college students and their history teacher, Romaric set up a project on the promotion of wearing safety vest. “We were surrounded by two professors of the college and then we got a grant from the Highway Safety to help us finalize the project," says Camille, a student participating in this production.
As a reward, they received the National Order of Merit awarded by the medalists and departmental chairman, Jean-Claude. “Now we will communicate this production to the national jury of the Order of Merit in Paris. We truly support this project because it is in time and we will do everything for it to go away, "says Jean-Claude.

Eight panels on a wall tell the story of the yellow vest over the centuries. It is amazing project Romaric and 9 of his students. “It was a kind of timeline incorporating the yellow vest in paintings and texts of our history book" says Camille.

"A Citizens' Agenda"
But basically, the idea germinated in the head Romaric. The teacher wanted to start a project that echoes an internal problem in college. “Many students ride bicycles or off the bus without wearing a yellow vest, he says, so we already wanted to trigger awareness in them.”
In depicting characters from the middle Ages coating the yellow vest, Romaric has integrated this item in history to "create a reflex" for these college students. Professor promotes another type of prevention, bypassing the awareness campaigns it deems ineffective.
This production, own students, allowed them to “take ownership history “, adding a touch of humor to the illuminations of the Middle Ages. What, hopefully, to get the message to their peers.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Safety vest keep student safer

Catherine is an angry woman. Wednesday, November 16 at 8:20, she takes her children in safety vest to school, Reaumur Street in the southeast area. As usual, it is she who is responsible for making schoolchildren cross the crosswalk. Because it’s unlike other sectors, here there is no public road security officer. Mom is positioned in the middle of the road on the way, arms spread, when a Fiat 500 driven by a woman of 23 years in Oise, arose and struck Ethan, four. Catherine's son was hit in the head by the mirror and part of the car. Lower lip "exploded" bloody nose, Ethan is projected on the side. Fortunately, the child is strong. Taken to hospital by firefighters, he was able to return home a few hours later.

The anger of the family is not it, not settled. “The driver explained that she had not seen Ethan because of the steamy windows, I do not really believe. We were still visible in the middle of the crosswalk, "says Catherine, also representative of parents of school Reaumur. Mom calls to the City more security on this axis, albeit not very popular with motorists, but not immune to accidents. A petition is also being developed. “Other schools receive ASVP while they are in the same situation, this is not right. This is not because the school is located down the street there is no risk. "

Good Samaritan, Mrs. Catherine was accustomed to cross other children. “I will continue but I will take this time a yellow vest. It is still unusual to have to do the work of the officers of the City. "Full of history, the day before the accident, the flashing signs alerting to the presence of children had been installed near the facility but were not yet operational.

The City, however, seems to have taken the measure of the incident, the mother having been received in the day Wednesday by the deputy mayor in charge of southern Martin demised sector.

A call to parents
Clement Stengel, deputy mayor in charge of security, is currently gathering all the elements relating to the accident. “To study the possibilities of making this school a monitored item. It does not close the door to this solution but it has to be justified, "he says.

Twenty schools are not monitored by ASVP against sixty which themselves are. In some areas, there are even two ASVP as or instead Vogel Boulevard. “Unfortunately, we cannot monitor all given the number of ASVP (nearly 100) who also have other missions continues Stengel. You think to identify individuals, possibly parents in reflective vest who could handle the monitoring and would be equipped. Not systematically but in addition ASVP by a system of rotation, for example. Nothing is decided but it is under consideration. "

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Reflective accessory: "safety and security of the technology" experience meeting

Non-destructive inspection, such as to find a crack in the steel structure using the inspection work and ultrasound of the real bridge by workers wear reflective vest.

 Metropolitan (Metropolitan Expressway) is, more of the promotion of disaster prevention activities of Metropolitan employees and group company employees, and for the purpose of improving the awareness of safety, June 17 from May 17 (Tue) (gold) has been implementing the "metropolitan safety month" up to, but was carried out "metropolitan inspection and repair demo 2016" to the university students of civil engineering such as Department of the Tokyo metropolitan area for the next generation.

 This is such an event that has been implemented since 2008, "was able to experience the technology that was heard in the classroom", "the future we want to contribute to the industry", that of the well-received by participating students. 39 people to match the current participation are men and women. Such as non-destructive testing, the manner in which students are to visit and experience the "technology of the safety and security" press to discover the crack of steel structures using the inspection work and ultrasound of the real bridge using aerial work platforms even so was published towards, reports its pattern.

 Demonstration in the "Tatsumi repair base," which is located under the Metropolitan Wangan overpass that was done, was also prepared demo of "proximity inspection" using the aerial work platforms. Although it is a vehicle which is a large-sized work platform called the "super deck", and boom boarded the Aerial gondola (arm-like portion that supports the gondola that extends to reach the altitude) is going to stretch, tension we saw also the participants to show the facial expression. Although there is a height of a few m from the ground, it seems to remember the embarrassment to the inexperience of the state.

A type of non-destructive inspection method of the so-called material, and is capable of finding cracks (openings defect) such as iron and steel materials. The demo magnetized by using the electrode in steel, but it was how to visually against the ultraviolet light after you spray the test solution, it was possible to confirm the streaky crack shines clearly in green.

 Similarly, is a kind of non-destructive inspection method of substance, the demonstration also tour of the "ultrasonic flaw detection test" to check the internal defects in the welds? As difficult commentary get search on the Web site, from easy to say when the transmitter to transmit the ultrasonic pulse, to display the ultrasound that is reflected in the internal defects on the screen of the receiver, the failure of the location and size thing of the inspection method to confirm.

 As a semi-automatic testing equipment demonstrations and the deck plate direction in depth more than 6mm of dangerous cracks that are in addition to, also referred to as "steel floor plate SAUT", "electromagnetic radar method" to explore the steel material, such as rebar to be present in the concrete, the concrete Slapping, such as the description of the "rebound degree method" to estimate the compressive strength from the rebound degree, was listening with a serious look is attendees.

 After a tour of the capital sales in the inspection and repair methods, for accuracy check of the axis of the tollgate heavy equipment, it can test up to 8 to 16 tons by moving back and forth the weight of KaSobu "axle load test car ", as can be confirmed work even without the entire surface closed to traffic, the water spray head surrounded by a bucket or" water spray inspection vehicles ", the exhibition of the inspection test vehicle, such as" ETC for the electric field strength measurement car "commentary the received, was able to understand the respective roles and needs.

 Unfortunately, although the actual vehicle was not, yellow vehicle with reflective tape called "infrastructure Doctor" that can be inspected the road while running in the same manner as "Doctor Yellow" What was interesting is the bullet train. Metropolitan technology, Asahi three companies of Aero has developed, GIS (geographic information system) and MMS by linking such as a three-dimensional point cloud data and videos measured by the (surveying system by a mobile measurement vehicle), road you can check the status of and structures on the screen, which is capable of and automatically create the necessary drawings from point cloud data, that of a system that supports the operation and maintenance of roads and structures.

 Technical content, but I want to browse the Web, the capital of high-speed technology, because the infrastructure Doctor is a data such as roads and structures while traveling as well as the general cars can be acquired, even such as the causative road traffic regulation of traffic congestion unnecessary. The 3D of the road structure is that of the world's first technology, the detection of the aging of the road structures, it is the going to utilize, such as maintenance and repair.

 At the time of inspection work of day-to-day, there is a exhibition also explained the actual equipment and clothing, such as the equipment could also try to pick up. Inspection hammer and percussion bar, scale, feeler gauge, measuring tools, such as crack scale, has a such as anti spray and dustpan, a helmet, of course, head lights, protective goggles, dust mask, of reflective material safety vest, gloves , knee addressed, such as safety shoes, description has been for each of the need.

 Civil protection director of the Metropolitan Expressway Tokyo was greeted at the time of the demonstration ended, and listen to the story, "By providing such opportunities, students with an interest in current technology and work got, I'm glad After me learn a lot more of it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Reflective material: Celebrate Halloween with prudently

In the aftermath of Halloween festivities on October 31 evening, officers in safety vest from the cities of Terrebonne and Mascouche accentuate their presence in every corner of the MRC Les de 16 h to 20 h 30.

Because safety is everyone's business, police territory also asks the population to exercise caution and vigilance when traveling.
10 Essential guidelines
The police took the opportunity to recall some basic safety rules to spend prudently evening.

First, it is better to wear light colored clothing with reflective strips for visibility. It is also better to go for short clothing to avoid tripping. In a similar vein, avoid masks and instead use makeup to see and hear what is happening around. Also, turn on a flashlight to see better and be more visible.

For older, tell your parents your route and time of return. It is best to ring the door in groups or with an adult and always wait outside the houses. Browse one side of the street at a time and avoid cross unnecessarily. Cross streets at intersections and obey traffic signs with reflective tape. Refuse to approach a car or get there without the permission of your parents. Finally, it is suggested to parents and children to check all the treats received for some might eat them safely.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The yellow jackets in the colors of South union

Two dozen people distributed leaflets at the entrance of the Leclerc hypermarket on Saturday morning. They denounce the harassment allegedly suffered several employees and former employees every day.

Saturday morning about 10 am a group of 20 to 25 people between the Leclerc store where hundreds of people are shopping. Venues show, they leave the yellow fluorescent reflective jackets in the colors of South union then distribute leaflets “and inform customers of the situation in which employees work," said Samuel, secretary of the Inter Trade Union Solidarity South. Protesters denounce acts of harassment allegedly suffered "many employees and former employees from management and some managers."

South Solidarity
The group is mainly composed of South Solidarity trade unionists from Maubeuge, Jeumont. Some former employees wear safety vests are also present. Samuel cautions that "ten complaints were filed harassment and two cases to industrial tribunals.”

"I left the store in August 2015, said Olivier. I became depressed because of disparaging thoughts. I was in the book department; once elected to the union, I was forced to change..."

Margot has worked "for 15 days with my mother. She got sick. She was fired for misconduct because the director invented she had insulted him."

A group of 5 employees calls us to defend the management. "We are shocked to see an event like this on our workplace, said the head of the radius fruits and vegetables Laurent. In this group there are people who have worked in this store 15 days, no more. We decided not to respond to this; it is estimated that if the worry is before the tribunal that it is set and not here." The police in reflective vest said.

An anonymous call
Protesters left around 11:45 am.
Yesterday afternoon we were contacted by telephone by someone claiming to work "for the Leclerc press office." According to this man, who wished to remain anonymous, the company did not receive any notification of complaint for harassment.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Is all clothing allowed the office? Take safety vest when go out

In recent days, it's hot, very hot. And from Lille to Bordeaux via Paris, Bourges, temperatures are not ready to go down. A real torture for employees who would like to give up tie suit or costume, especially when their offices are not air conditioned. But have we the right, in France, to come in tank top, shorts and flip-flops, or safety vest on outside?

If no legal text formally prohibited, no not permitted. Freedom to dress as we want it is not a fundamental freedom. This means that this "freedom" is provided in some basic documents as the Constitution.

The employer is not true, unless specific job, all rights on the way its employees are expected to come to work. Article L1121-1 of the Code stipulates that: "No one can bring to human rights and individual and collective liberties that are not justified by the nature of the task and proportionate to the aim pursued".

Clearly, the employer may restrict freedom of dress for reasons of safety or contacts with customers or image. For example, a worker must wear his reflective vest and safety shoes, a stewardess, uniform supplied thereto and a notary clerk will avoid flip flops and shirt.

So, an employee who is not working with clients can he, he, come dressed as he wants? Not quite! In 2001, a technical office, who worked out of contact with customers, was dismissed because it was allowed to come to work in shorts. The Supreme Court agreed with the company. Customers are therefore regularly in local man was in indirect contact with them, which could harm the company's image. And it needs to wear reflective clothes when they need to go out.

The ideal is to check the company's internal regulations. Indeed, if an outfit is expressly prohibited, it must have been submitted to the staff representatives and view the premises. But to avoid any odd, the ideal is for a man to come in elegant but casual attire like a suit without a tie, linen trousers, and a slightly loose shirt. The women, they, more spoiled for choice. Once their holding remains suitable, of course. The mini-skirt in the office, it can get messy.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

New traffic law: motorcyclist wear safety vest will be safer

Motorcycle riders are the most clueless with the new traffic law.
Yesterday was quite normal driving without retro reflective clothing and no lights on their vehicles to see.
Both are requirements circulation any time of day and disrespect carries a fine of ¢ 47,000 for each violation.
Diego Herrera, director of the Traffic Police, confirmed that the non-use of safety vest or any other suit was one of the repeated violations s yesterday.

Furthermore, it is common to see that drivers take advantage of the dams to advance in the middle of the road.
Under the new traffic rule, who forth between lines of vehicles more than 25 kilometers per hour is exposed to a fine of ¢ 94,000.
The new provisions do not like at all drivers who complain of being forced to use safety devices at all times.
However, Silvia, director of the Road Safety Council, explained that the use of this device throughout the day approved the recommendation of the Motorcycle Importers Association.

"As there are sunny days, there is very dark or rainy days, when clarity is drastically reduced and it is necessary to make them visible," said Bolanos.
It is planned that next Tuesday discusses the regulations with the specifications of the retro reflective vest; then it would take public consultation (through publication in La Gaceta) and is expected to govern two weeks later.

Another complaint is that motorcyclists are forced to turn on the lights at any time and that represents an additional expense of battery. But Bolanos said the battery of the bike "generates one, and there is no justification for saying that consumption increases."