Monday, July 23, 2018

Life-saving reflective vests to cyclists

The possibility of equipping reflective vests with non-Europeans who travel by bike at night on Ebonite roads is becoming more and more body. The president of the commission for public work, security and urban planning, in fact, just yesterday, after the decision to convene the commission on the subject and after the new reports from the unions, received a welcome and meaningful phone call.

In fact, they contacted the head of a Bettina company of accident prevention material, who said they were willing to meet him to provide the reflective jackets. But it was not the only concrete gesture: «The solidarity race has been launched. I thank the Bettina company that wants to supply jackets for free - Merle explained - but also some entrepreneurs said they were inclined. So in the week, before meeting the commission on the topic, I will meet all those who are available to help us.

Naturally I informed the mayor Massimo Carrillo, the councilors and the councilors. As soon as we receive the material, we will convene public forces, associations and unions to distribute the jackets ". So the theme of night-time security on city streets, for motorists and for non-EU citizens returning from work on bikes often without lighting, has remained the center of the political debate in the city.

And on Thursday afternoon at the City Council, in the aforementioned meeting of the Public Works, Security and Town Planning Committee, President Merle will manage the debate on the proposal to equip the non-EU citizens with reflective vests and how to do it. The commission was due to take place on Tuesday, but gave the concomitance of the municipal council on waste in Bettina, with the presence of mayors and representatives of the Municipalities of the Piano, the convocation was postponed to Thursday.

During the meeting will also discuss possible, other remedies in favor of greater road safety starting, for example, the upgrading of lighting and signs that can secure the arteries, avoiding accidents and investments, which over the years are unfortunately constant. Object of reflection will be the State 18 and 19 and the Provincial 30, in addition to the coastal, places where they transit mostly with means of luck and even on foot, the non-EU returning from work in the fields. "A matter of great relevance - commented the Sachet Cist trade unionist. Antonio - many non-Europeans use bikes without headlights or move on foot along the roadside. In the evening, without reflective materials, the risk of accidents is very high ".