After six and a half weeks of summer vacation, school life starts again today. With the end of this year's holiday in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, the holiday season is now over in Germany and the students populate the streets again.
Especially the students who have changed to a secondary school need to get used to new ways to school and requires more attention. The 30s zones set up in front of the schools have to be taken into account. In some cases the pupils are supported by the use of pupils' guides when crossing the street.
First graders start on Saturday
On Saturday, the so-called seriousness of life begins for the first graders. They are particularly vulnerable because they see the traffic from a different angle. They can misjudge distances from vehicles and sometimes forget about traffic, for example when they are distracted by something on the other side of the road.
Therefore, as soon as you see children at the side of the road and behind parked vehicles, you should expect unusual reactions and always be ready to brake.
Everyone probably knows from their own childhood that the Deutsche has equipped the children with orange caps (which made of reflective fabric)for better recognition. These have now been replaced by neon yellow reflective safety vests.
If children are standing at a zebra crossing, please stop them completely and give them a clear hand signal that the children can cross the street.
We wish all students a good start to the new school year.