Thursday, February 28, 2019

When driving ride a bluff car

A dramatic ride was seen last night by the driver of a passenger car who drove along the D2 motorway from Brno in the direction of Balaclava. His car started to burn! Firefighters sent three units to be extinguished, but traffic on the freeway was halted for half an hour.

The fire occurred shortly before eight o'clock in the evening at 7.5 km D2. "The fire brigade was given the flames under control within ten minutes, another quenching took about 30 minutes. The motorway was inaccessible for less than half an hour, then the traffic was restored by one stripe. The full implementation of the Balaclava route was only after eleven o'clock, "said Jan Dvorak, a spokesman for South Moravian firefighters.

The reason was a technical failure. "The current hot weather has virtually no effect on car fires. These are most often problems with wiring and exhaust, "said Yugoslav Mikado.

Tip: Do not open the bonnet! Haste just a slit
How should drivers behave in a similar situation? "If they have a fire extinguisher in their car, they can try to get the fire under control. Nevertheless, he can not open the bonnet fully, but only cracks. Otherwise, the fire could not handle it. He would soon burst, "Mikado explained.

Firefighters warn that most drivers do not carry a fire extinguisher. "In that case, it is important to stop safely. If there is enough time, pull out the papers from the car, dress the reflective vests which have reflective tapes, and move away safely. The ideal thing is to put a warning triangle on the car and, of course, to call the firefighters, "added Mikado, adding that car fires in the South Moravian Region are quite frequent. "We go to them every week," the firefighters spoke.