In this season of climate change that is living in Bogotá with heavy rains, you must wear a safety vest and take extra precautions when driving and respecting the speed limits, whether you are traveling by car or motorcycle.
1. Moderate speed
Remember that it is always vital to regulate the speed and respect the speed limits that are set in urban areas that are 80 kilometers per hour as established by the national traffic code. However, remember that when the asphalt gets wet it becomes too smooth and difficult handling maneuvers, so it is recommended to drive at a speed of 40 or 30 kilometers per hour.
2. Keep the lights on
The rain makes it difficult to visualize the road and identify what is found in its surroundings; therefore, you must keep the lights on, thus helping your visibility and that of other drivers. For motorcyclists, it is advisable, apart from keeping the lights on, to have the reflective vest so that they become more visible on the road.
3. Save the distance between vehicles
It is important to maintain a prudent distance between the cars. When it is raining the traffic becomes slow, but in the same way, it is prudent to keep the distance between vehicles. It is recommended to maintain no less than one meter of distance between the cars, this will allow braking without problem in any emergency.
4. Check the electrical system
When the rain becomes too strong it is very important to have good glass cleaning, that have a correct operation in their engines to be more effective cleaning the windshield, and it is recommended to change the pens of these with certain periodicity depending on the use. Likewise, the heating and air conditioning system must be maintained in perfect condition, since these diminish the glasses of the vehicle fogging up.
5. Check the tires
It is necessary to verify that the pressure of the tires is the corresponding one, since this influences the grip or the adherence of the vehicle on the asphalt. Remember that tires also lose their ability to grip when they fail to drain the liquid they receive, so you must slow down until you feel that the ability to grip returned to normal.
Keep these recommendations in mind to reduce incidents and accidents when driving in this rainy season. Keep the road safety is also keep your safe.