The advent of spring and the improvement of the weather conditions create the right conditions for the increasing use of bicycles. On this occasion, the police recalled the requirements for this group of road users.
The Road Traffic Law obliges cyclists to wear a reflective vest with reflective tape outside the settlements, during the dark part of the day and with reduced visibility, moving as close as possible to the right border of the lane.
Under the ATC, cyclists are required to use bicycles that are in good working order: brakes, bells, a device for emitting white or yellow well distinguishable light at the front and a red reflector at the rear, as well as white or yellow reflectors or reflective elements on the sides of the wheels. The law permits the placement of a red light-emitting device at the rear.
The rider is not allowed to move parallel to another two-wheeled vehicle, to operate the bicycle without holding the handlebars, and to release the pedals to control it, to operate the bicycle in pedestrian-only areas. On a pedestrian path, the cyclist is obliged to get off the bike and then cross to the other side, this prohibition does not apply to cyclists up to 12 years of age; move in or close to another road vehicle.
Traffic police are urging all road users to adhere strictly to road safety rules.