Many calls have
been made recently in town hall indicating that young people taking school
transport were not wearing yellow vests. Car drivers indicate that as a result
young school children are not visible on the sides of the road and this becomes
very risky.
Philippe Berthelot
the deputy head of the commission citizenship - safety recalls the obligations:
the transport network operating regulations Agglobus (Agglo Saumur) applicable
since 1 st June 2020 dictates the implementing rules of wearing a yellow vest with
reflective fabric. This is compulsory for students from
kindergarten to 3 rd on school circuits and regular lines and holders of a
school pass. High school students are invited to wear yellow armbands. The vest
and armband must be visible during the day (yellow color) and at night
(reflective bands).
Their equipment
must be worn on each trip, from waiting at a stop to getting off the couch. For
optimal safety, it is strongly recommended to keep the safety equipment during
the entire trip to your destination: onboard the bus, from the bus exit to the
school, as well as on the journey between home and the breakpoint. Drivers must
be careful, pedestrians must think about their safety and wear their vests,
parents must remind them of the instructions!