The Halloween date is approaching and from now on several safety recommendations must be taken into account, for this the parents of the family and the dialogue that they must carry out with their children must be a priority. Both children and young people and even adults themselves must follow a series of precautions to avoid headaches or even a much more serious situation than with the integrity of people.
The National Police and the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF), explain a series of recommendations that are very relevant for this date and even for those before the celebration that in Colombia, is better known as the "Children's Day".
Through inspection, surveillance and control operations to establishments where the most consumed products are sold during the Halloween season, the authorities prepare for the celebration of October 31, avoiding the marketing and distribution of sweets in poor condition or with alterations in their packaging and labels, which can cause damage to the health of children and adults who consume them.
To take into account, on this date children are the most vulnerable to accidents, robberies, or poisoning, for this reason, pay close attention to these recommendations:
Indications for children
Instruct the children how to call 123, in case of having an emergency or getting lost.
Children are always accompanied, during the whole journey, by their parents or a responsible adult.
Show them and teach the children where they should go in case of getting lost. That the minors know the authorities.
Immediately inform the authorities about any suspicious or illegal attitude or activity.
Carry a cell phone to achieve rapid communication in an emergency.
Avoid putting on costumes that may cause allergies or lessons to children, as well as masks that block their visibility.
Do not allow for any reason that children manipulate gunpowder.
Verify that the food received by the children is reliable. That the packages are well sealed.
Do not receive food without wraps and check sweets before they are consumed.
Do not allow children to receive candy from people who generate distrust or are unknown.
Do not allow minors to move with strangers and less to isolated places.
Make adequate control of the sweets that your children consume. Do not allow excess.
More precautionary measures
Make sure children eat healthy foods before going out to ask for sweets.
If the costumes of the children are dark, put a reflective tape so that they can be seen by the drivers.
Write the name of the child in a rosette or legible place of disguise, along with the address and telephone number of the location.
Make sure that costume accessories such as swords, helmets, and others are soft and pose no risk to other children on the street.
Be especially careful with those latex masks that can cause poor ventilation and complicate the breathing of children.
Do not let go of children's hands, especially at the crossroads.
Be careful with children when passing streets, use pedestrian bridges.
Place a cardholder attached to your clothes with their names, address, and phone number.
Prevent children from finding themselves alone among crowds.
Do not allow your children to stay until late at night on the streets.
Drive with caution, do not forget that by this date many children are transiting the roads.
Be careful with the kids!
Behind the disguised adults, a delinquent can be hidden, so it is convenient for the parents to accompany their children to take the tour to ask for sweets.
Do not leave the responsibility for the care of your children to other minors.
Do not let go of children's hands, especially at the crossroads.
Explain to children that it is not safe to talk to strangers, or receive things; In case of getting lost, go to or look for a Police or a Vigilante and not any person.
Be aware of possible messages or invitations made by social networks to meetings or invitations to unknown places or places.
Indications for adults
Do not wear masks that can obstruct your vision and cause accidents, even more, if you have a child in charge.
Do not travel in places with low light or with a high rate of theft.
In the case of going out to celebrate Halloween, do it in well-known and crowded places.
Halloween is an intensely active date, so, normally, congestion occurs on the tracks. That is why being tolerant and moving with caution will avoid accidents.
Leaving home early will save you time and get to your destination faster.
Under no circumstances accept to board cars of unknown persons.
In which case you drink alcoholic beverages, do not drive and, if so, look for a person who may be an elected driver or a safe transportation service.
If you are going to use special contact lenses to complement your disguise, for safety acquire them in certified places to avoid irritation and discomfort.
Make-up on Halloween is already a tradition and there are several alternatives to do so, always choose places where the products are certified and avoid allergies such as skin irritations.