Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dunlop on April 6th "National Tire Safety Check" at 47 venues nationwide

Sumitomo Rubber Industries will hold "Dunlop National Tire Safety Check" at 47 venues in 47 prefectures nationwide on April 6 from 10:00 to 14:00.

In this event, which will be in its 12th year in 2019, activities are carried out at roadside stations and shopping centers throughout Japan to prevent accidents caused by tires. In addition to checking the tire condition by checking the air pressure, remaining grooves, surface damage, of the tire installed in the car of the applicant, a clear file describing the importance of safety inspection of the tire is distributed to the driver Appeal the need for regular tire inspection and maintenance.

For those who have undergone safety inspections, a mask with a message on the package that reminds them of daily tire inspections is handed over, and for children, there is an original reflective material that helps to prevent traffic accidents by reflecting lights on the night road. Presented.

At this 21st event this time, more than 100,000 vehicles have been inspected (including the number of "in-store store tire inspection campaign" conducted in 2018). Excessive or insufficient tire pressure is found in about 30% of vehicles each time.