In the past week, the city and state policemen, officials, and the mayor went through Edward Benes's Czech town square. Behind the hustle and bustle between the two department stores, they searched for people who are not seen. And they gave them reflective tapes.
The interest was enormous. "We had 150 of them bought, and after twenty minutes here we are almost none," Anna, head of crime prevention, shrugged her shoulders. Not only is it particularly advantageous to use reflective vests beyond the limits set by law, especially under reduced visibility. "Of course there is no obligation to wear it in the city, but people are not really seen and it is good to have it," she said.
Mother Teresa Loren, a new-mum, was also around the block. There was no reflective material on the stroller. "We do not go out in the dark yet, it's only a month," she laughed apologetically. Anna solved the problem on the spot and gave the reflection element. "When you cross the crossing, the first stroller goes," she added.
From preventive projects, the distribution of tapes in front of the department store is one of those more visible. But there are also those who work with a narrow target group. For example, seniors. "As part of the Together for Safety project, we have already drawn on a number of donations from the Ministry of the Interior grant program. For example, we purchased and installed security guards and chains for seniors, self-defense courses and others, "said the Prevention Manager.
On the other hand, projects focusing on youth. For example, Stop domestic violence, where women and secondary school students provide information materials on domestic violence and contacts to professional organizations. Secondary schools also offer self-defense courses.
For the youngest children, regular meetings are planned on the traffic field where the police officers explain the basics of moving on increasingly busy roads. Thanks to their cooperation with the Liberec Region, children from neighboring villages are not deprived of it either. "The county is paying these children for transport. Since children were few, a problem arose. At the instigation of our city police, however, Mr. Medal was promptly responded to ČSAD and it is all right again, "added Jake.
For social prevention this year the town reserved 410 thousand crowns. For crime prevention programs about a quarter million. Other hundreds of thousands also provide state-sponsored projects such as crime prevention assistants working at the city police, especially in socially problematic locations.