Sunday, October 29, 2017

Operation yellow vests for the Spacer's on the road

Yellow vest required, in the first semifinal of Spacer's Toulouse against Nice. For the first time since 2007, the Spacer's take part in the semi-finals of the French League a championship. After leaving Tours, their pet peeve, in the quarter, the teammates of the stainless captain Sago will receive Nice this Friday (8.30pm), before returning Tuesday on the French Riviera, and a possible beautiful three days later in Toulouse.

Why Fluorescent safety Vest? Because the color of the jerseys of Toulouse is fluorescent yellow! Friday, the Palace must be fluorescent yellow! For this first leg, the club had an original idea: ask his supporters to come to the Poleis des Sports with safety vests, so fluorescent yellow color, and the colors of the club. What cause retinal detachment among the people of Nice?

A workforce to rebuild
On a purely sporting level, this meeting could be the last home, successful coach for six years, who will leave the club. Other important starts are expected; including those of Belgian point top Bram Van den Dries, best scorer in the championship (522 points) and international smuggler Antoine.

Before the big summer migration, the high visibility vest for the spacer on the road, the Spacer's dream of a first title is champion of France. The final is scheduled for May 6 in Paris, facing the winner of the other semifinal between Chaumont and Ajaccio.