Thursday, January 3, 2019

17,500 safety vests in the whole of Upper Austria

17,500 warning vests will be distributed free of charge to all new school beginners at the beginning of school. Safety vests increase the visibility many times over. In addition, the children are taught the correct behavior in road traffic at the traffic education days. With this interdisciplinary initiative, Family Reporter Vice-Governor Manfred, Infrastructure Minister Günter and Security Councilor Elmer support the safe way to school.

Even if the way to school is practiced in the weeks before school starts, the road traffic still holds many dangers. Childish cockiness, great urge to move, distraction and lack of judgment of unfamiliar road traffic create additional risks for the children.

"Visibly safer" on the way to school and at leisure
Many accidents could be avoided if the children were more visible to motorists. Especially in autumn in the rain, morning twilight and darkness often clothes to a uniform and dangerous gray. 17,500 children's warning vests are provided free of charge to all Upper Austria freshmen in the first weeks of school. The West is distributed by the police in the context of in elementary schools directly to the children.

Also, traffic education needed
Wearing a safety vest increases visibility many times over but is only part of the solution. In addition, it is necessary that the children be sensitized to the lurking danger and the correct behavior is practiced on the way to school. And not only on the way to school, but the safety vest should also be worn, even in their free time better visibility minimizes the risks of an accident.

Joint initiative
"Even though parents practice the way to school with their children exemplary and diligent in the last weeks before school starts, the children are often still unable to assess the danger of the roads. Reflective safety vests with reflective materials should be a constant companion for the children so that the children are seen by motorists and other road users as soon as possible. With the safety vests, we make a valuable contribution to the prevention of child accidents, "They agree and thank the cooperation partners for their support.

"Prevention priority"
The AUVA has supported the warning vest campaign of the province of Upper Austria for many years. "Prevention in the workplace and in training is the primary task of the AUVA as statutory accident insurance. With our targeted campaigns, we focus on raising awareness of hazards and building and strengthening safe behavior and risk competence. Especially with children, their protection is essential. "says Marina, director of the AUVA and the UKH Linz.

The offspring and the safety of the children are also very close to the hearts of Wiener and HYPO. Of course, Günter, Country Director of Wiener and HYPO General Director Andreas, is gladly supported.

Appeal to the parents
OÖ Civil Defense President Michael Hammer appeals to the parents, with the children in advance to practice the way to school, "to inform them about possible dangers and to discuss the most important security rules. Traffic safety is also an important topic in the context of the Civil Protection Child Safety Olympiad for the third and fourth elementary school classes. For the adults, and especially for the elderly, we offer reflective tapes and point out in our brochure "My safety" on the important visibility in traffic. "

Of course, the police like to support the warning vest campaign: "The traffic educators are happy to take on the task of distributing the safety vests. As a result, optimally equipped young schoolchildren are sent to school on their way to school. "said Colonel Klaus.