Partly cloudy
weather is expected tomorrow. At night without significant precipitation.
Day and evening
light snow in places, sleet; slight ice, fog in some areas.
South wind 5-10 m
/ s, in the daytime in gusts up to 13 m / s.
The minimum air
temperature at night is -21 ..- 24 ̊, with clearings up to -27 ̊, the maximum
air temperature during the day is -10 ..- 12 ̊, in some places up to -16 ̊.
Ice on the roads.
Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan recommends:
In fog:
Fans of outdoor
activities are advised to have good communication equipment and navigation
devices with them.
Fog is a serious
hazard to all road users.
Drivers should
increase the distance between cars, avoid sudden braking. If it is necessary to
stop, the speed must be reduced gradually. When braking, press the brake pedal
several times, thereby giving a signal to warn drivers of vehicles that are
moving behind you. It is necessary to pay attention to the technical condition
of the car, especially the brake system, and the condition of the tires. All
optics must be in working order. Use a high visibility vest at stops.
Pedestrians are
advised to:
1. Be extremely
careful when crossing streets and roads;
2. Cross the
street only at the designated pedestrian crossing;
3. To cross the
carriageway, use, if possible, only overground or underground pedestrian
4. Do not cross
the track in front of a moving vehicle;
5. Move only
towards the traffic flow;
6. Wear a high
visibility vest or attach reflective tapes to clothing.
With ice:
Walk carefully,
slowly, step on the entire sole, taking into account the unevenness of the
surface. Elderly people are advised to use a rubber-tipped cane or a special
stick with pointed spikes. If you slip, sit down to lower your fall.
Pedestrians are
advised to cross the street only at the marked pedestrian crossing. Do not
cross the road in front of a moving vehicle, because due to the slippery road
surface, the braking distance of the car is significantly increased. Move only
towards the traffic flow. Use reflective elements on clothing.
For drivers:
1. When driving a
car in these conditions, refuse unnecessary rearrangements, overtaking,
2. Pay attention
to the technical condition of the car, especially the brake system, the
condition of the tires;
3. Avoid sudden
braking, if necessary to stop, the speed must be reduced smoothly;
4. You should
press the brake pedal several times, thereby giving a signal warning the
drivers of cars that are moving behind you;
5. All optics must
be in working order;
6. Drive at a
speed that ensures safety in busy areas, near schools, at intersections and
bridges, and on curves and downhills.
Pedestrians are
advised to:
1. Be extremely
careful when crossing streets and roads;
2. Cross the
street only at the designated pedestrian crossing, remember that due to
insufficient visibility and the slippery road surface, the driver needs more
time to stop the vehicle;
3. To cross the
carriageway, use, if possible, only overground or underground pedestrian
4. Do not cross
the road in front of a moving vehicle;
5. Move only
towards the traffic flow.