Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The safety vest is included in the bicycle test

Creating safety vest, helmet on, wheel control of traffic safety consultant André Schmitz - and the bicycle examination can begin. The fourth graders of Paul School now took off their cycling proficiency test.

An event that is present every year in elementary school. For the participants it is something special every time. The boys and girls were able for the first time online practice. In the workbook for the third and fourth classes, the young road users in reflective vest train the right behavior on the road, the first time is also a code number. Even the elementary school students are practice using the PC.

Therefore, the Internet has now also found its way into the traffic education," says Hans Jansen, Managing Director of Road Patrol Viersen. In Workbook, there is also the logo a talking computer. Wherever this sign appears, find the children via Internet-depth exercises. "I made it fun to practice on the computer. The issue, however, was really great," said the nine-year-old Emma in reflective clothing. Thanks to the support of Viersen the supply of primary school children in Viersenit is secured with the exercise book for three years.