The safety equipments inspection of school busies began on the morning of Monday, February 13 as reported by the Transit and Land Transportation Authority.
From 8:00 am, the ATTT inspectors in reflective vest are in the parking lots of Rommel Fernandez Stadium, in the Juan sector. In the province of North Panama, the operation takes place in the parking lots of the Chillier Gymnasium and will conclude on Friday, February 17th.
In the country there are a total of 5 thousand 243 buses of collegiate transport: 48 in the province of Bocas del Toro; In Coclé, 164; 344 in Colón; Veraguas with 218; Chiriquí has 521; Darien has 5 bursitis; 125 in the province of Herrera; 122 in Los Santos; There are 3 thousand 269 in the province of Panama and 427 in Panama West.
Vehicles must have insurance policies and college badge, fire extinguisher, safety triangle, reflective tape and jack to change tires. In addition, the "state of the tires, doors of entry and exit, as well as the engine and the chassis" should be in good condition, reiterated the ATTT.