The second day of
January assistants Crime Prevention first reported on the job. Originally
supposed to be four, but he got only three. Instead of uniforms are that come
up in a few days, so far only received reflective
vests. In
the first half of last week they took to the streets, yet accompanied by police
officers, who are doing their mentors.
The new assistants
are employees of inclusion at the city police. Brad on the establishment of
these posts receiving a grant from the Labor Office. Therefore, from the labor
office assistants had come, they had to be some time in his records.
positions are virtually status of community service. And the long-term
unemployed to choose suitable candidates were not easy. Several candidates did
not come to the audition, and others flatly refused it, yet others did not
match our expectations, "explained Secretary.
People are scared
out. Police statistics, however, do not raise concerns
Four assistants
crime prevention set up in response to events that occurred last summer and
autumn the region. There were several conflicts. Directly in the conflicts took
place mainly in discos near Street. Her manager then barred whole group
Romanian workers who go to the city for work.
Now it and other,
mainly agency workers from the Balkans, many people attributed to deteriorated
security situation. Incidents were also given at the meeting of the city
council. "In the evening I would rather not walk the dog for a walk. I
know of parents who do not let out teenagers. And if so, they are accompanied
by you. Uncomfortable feeling people are mainly along the river Samara,
"mentioned councilor Eva.”Some people really express concerns. Although
the official police statistics does not confirm anything like that. Police
recorded only one case of violence associated with immigrants from the Balkans,
"said Mayor Jan in reflective jacket.
"Our company
is among the largest employers in the region, and thus automatically all the
problems with foreigners associated with it. There are with us temporarily
assigned to the contracting agencies work only a hundred foreigners from
Romania and Bulgaria. According to verified information that we have, but in
Brad check 500 to 700 foreigners from the above countries, "he rejected criticism
before the end of Pert, manager of the personnel department of the company.
"In private,
we see that some of our conservative fellow citizens have problems with the
cosmopolitan society in our neighborhood. In my opinion, the situation is not
outside the normal EU-wide, "said Michal, manager of ENGESER. Even the
agency employs staff from abroad. Firms in this way solve the shortage of
domestic workers. Moreover, it is easier for them as well as possible staff
turnover. On the other hand, there are problems with the language barrier and
cultural differences.
At this point in
the series of debates on social networks and many residents warned. They
pointed to mess around some dormitories, a large noise of the Balkans and their
inappropriate behavior.
Assistants will be
on his turf supervise year. Then they'll see
Town Hall finally
decided to solve the problem by adopting four assistants crime prevention.
After training they are responsible for more problematic locations. Their task
is to go through and if people negotiate conflicts or call the police patrol in
vest. Powers enjoyed by ordinary policemen do not.