Sunday, June 30, 2019

Chicken now also equips with safety vest

Chicken Polly from farmer Clemens Keßmann from Dielingen made already headlines: The farmer had put on the animal a safety vest. Now also the weathercock on the roof carries the bright neon green.

In the animal paradise, even a small chicken with reflective safety vest causes a sensation: Polly büxt regularly from the enclosure on the busy B51 and brings it in mortal danger. For safety reasons, the holder of his laying hen put on a special chicken warning vest, which he had found on the Internet. "That did not appeal to the rooftop rooster at all; he also demanded a safety vest," says farmer Keßmann.

"So that the rooster stays in the mood"
"What should I do there," says Keßmann, laughing. "So that the rooster stays in the mood and continues to take care of my chickens, I have also missed him such a vest." For a few days, the rooster on the roof now also signal colors and is therefore probably the first (weather) cock with a safety vest.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Lighting for cyclists and e-scooters vital

Road traffic regulations also apply to electric scooters. A violation can be expensive.

The dark season means bad visibility conditions and increased accident risk for all road users. In November and December 2017, around 32 percent of traffic accidents involving personal injury occurred during the dark hours - the highest level during the year.

Cyclists, in particular, are required: damp foliage and wet, smooth tram rails increase the risk of falling, fog and twilight obscure the view. "Cyclists should definitely pay attention to functioning lighting and good visibility," says ÖAMTC lawyer Nikolaus Authried.

Equally, on duty, he sees the handlebars of e-scooters: For the battery-powered scooters, the same rules apply as for cyclists - because if they do not exceed a maximum output of 600 watts and a maximum speed of 25 km/h, they are considered e-bikes.

Check lighting regularly - "lack of light" costs up to 726 euros
According to the regulation, bicycles must have a white reflector in the front and a red reflector in the back. The reflectors must be mounted individually or integrated into the headlamp. Forward and rearward reflectors are a must on the pedals.

"Also mandatory is yellow or white cat's eyes or reflective tapes on the wheels," says the ÖAMTC lawyer. "Alternatively, tires with reflective borders are possible." For electric scooters, the lighting regulations also apply according to their design. The expert recommends: "The condition and optimal function of the lighting should be checked regularly."

"In principle, drivers of bicycles and e-bikes, including e-scooters, are not obliged to use headlamps or red taillights in daylight and good visibility - but in the case of obstruction and darkness," says lawyer Authried.

"Those who do not abide by the rules risk not only the safety of themselves and others but for badly equipped and unlit bicycles can be up to a penalty of 726 € imposed." If one causes an accident with personal injury due to poor or lacking lighting, compensation claims and a judicial criminal procedure must also be expected.

Helmet and reflectors are must-haves for handlebars
Rules for the equipment of the driver itself does not exist. "Although a helmet is not mandatory for adults in Austria, it protects against serious head injuries in the event of an accident and should be part of the basic equipment - even more so in the dark season," advises the ÖAMTC expert.

If a cyclist "crashes" under helmet conditions without a helmet and suffers skull injuries, he may even be guilty of contributory negligence.

To be even more visible, it is essential to attach reflective materials to clothing or wear a safety vest. "Every supplemental aid, be it through headlamps or LED lights, makes sense, but it should be noted that this does not dazzle oncoming traffic," says the expert.

Reflective stickers for clothing and safety vests, for example, can be found at all Mobility Club bases - there are plenty of other "little helpers" for more visibility, such as armband and leg straps and reflective pendants.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

When chickens wear safety vests

However, it is not an April fool's joke that some chickens roam around in Weibenbrunn.

When chickens wear safety vests, one almost inevitably thinks of an April Fool's joke. But that is far from Weibenbrunn.

The chickens by Günter Marr were recently found in bright yellow and red vests - also on the roadside.

These chickens turn garbage into eggs

Although the chickens have to cross a street on their way from the stable to the meadow, those who now believe that the safety vests have something to do with road safety are wrong.

The actual reason for wearing the reflective robes is completely different - and not least to look in the animal world.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Safety vests for two kindergartens

Slowly the days are getting shorter again. Just the right time, Helmut Helfers thought, to equip the two kindergartens "Wolke 7" and "Zauberland" in Sassenberg with safety vests.

Helfers is a member of the sponsoring association of both institutions. He asked Innogy SE for help with the acquisition of the important aids. The company responded promptly, as the Innogy EnergieMobil is on the Mühlenplatz every other Thursday of the month from 1 to 7 pm.

Energy consultant Sebastian Knipper knows what he is talking about when he considers the safety vests to be a useful accessory for the children: "I travel with the EnergieMobil even in the dark months of the year. Due to weather conditions, the view is often limited. Children with reflective safety vests are perceived much better on the road. "

The Innogy EnergieMobil provides information on individual electricity and natural gas offers and advice on energy-efficient applications and modern energy solutions for private households. These include interactive products and services from the Innogy SmartHome family, offers for secure heat supply and support for HomePower solar's own electricity production and storage. In Sassenberg, the company complements its availability on the Internet as well as by e-mail, telephone, and letter with a personal contact point.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

2500 daycare children receive safety vests

"Just go to the daycare center on foot" - that is what the county council of the county of Herford, Jürgen Müller, advises all parents and children. To ensure that it can be done safely even in the dark, on Friday he distributed the first 54 of 2500 warning vests with reflective tapes to the children of the Protestant Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kita in Enger's district of Belke-Steinbeck. In the next days and weeks, all three-year-olds will be equipped in a circle with the vest.

"Be visible, be sure" is the motto of the campaign. The county also offers all kindergartens in the region the opportunity to do Mobility Weeks. In doing so, the children learn to be able to move safely in traffic with the wheel or the bicycle. The walk to the daycare center also serves climate protection and makes it clear to children that day-to-day journeys do not just have to be done by car, emphasized Nadine Steenberg, Mobility Commissioner at Herford County, and Climate Protection Manager Anna-Lena Mügge.

Suitable for the lantern procession
Julia Rullkötter and Claudia Stevens-Maas from the Kita leadership in Belke-Steinbeck came straight to the gifts of the circle. The light reflective safety vests could thus be used directly for the lantern procession. The girls and boys are allowed to take the vests home.

As Stevens-Maas emphasized, only ten percent of children currently walk to the daycare center. For good reason: Almost all parents are working and in a hurry in the morning. Jürgen Müller also relies on safety vests with reflective materials. "I'll wear it if I can figure out to jog again," he said.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Carabineros fine motorcyclist for not wearing a reflective vest

The case was finalized by social networks and reached the ears of the Conaset, from where they indicated that the part taken is illegal.

Do motorcyclists have to wear a reflective vest?

That is the question that Matías Bahamonde, 23 years old, has after Friday when he went out for a ride in Temuco on his motorcycle and was fined by Carabineros for not wearing a reflective vest.

"I was on my way to Labranza when I ran into a couple of police officers who performed a routine check, they asked me for the papers and since I had everything in order and in good order, I remained calm," the young man explained to LUN.

He added that "we were finishing when they look at each other and ask each other: 'What do we do with the reflective vest? Did we pass the infraction or not?' The Carabineros were not clear what to do."

Bahamonde indicated that at the crossroads, one of the carabineros decided to take the radio and ask, obtaining a "yes" answer, so he must appear at the local police court on January 12.

His case was viralized by social networks and reached the ears of the National Traffic Safety Commission, who confirmed through their Twitter account, that the part taken is illegal.

Despite the clarification of Conaset, the doubts regarding this issue are due to the fact that article 75 of the modified decree 164 of the Ministry of Transport does not specify which vehicles the vest must have.

It should be remembered that the only obligations of motorcyclists' clothing are those that appear in decrees 231 and 234 of the Traffic Law, which is related to the biker's clothing and the use of a reflective helmet.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

What says the ordinance that regulates the work of the rags

The purpose will be to deal in a particular way with the problems associated with each of the individuals and families that currently carry out this activity in the city of Santa Fe and to begin a process of incorporating them into the formal economy.

This week the Council sanctioned an ordinance to create an inclusive program of vehicle caregivers with the aim of initiating a process of incorporating these people into the formal economy.

According to what was voted during the session - article 2 - "caregivers of vehicles will be understood as any person who performs the informal activity of offering the service of caring for vehicles parked on public roads, counting on the accreditation and / or authorization card issued by the Municipality of Santa Fe and comply with all the requirements that are established. "

The enforcement authority will be the Control Secretary of the Municipality in coordination with the Ministry of Social Development and other departments that the municipality deems appropriate.

Powers of the Control Department
According to the norm, it will be the powers of the Control Department: to create a Registry of "Vehicle Caregivers"; set the number of qualifying credentials; delimit the area in which vehicle caregivers can exercise their work; assign to each vehicle caretaker at least one sector of a street and/or space, which will be indicated on the corresponding credential; and modify the street assignment prior notice, when there are provisions or indications that impact on the development of urban mobility.

The activity will be prohibited in places where there is parking measured. According to the text of the voted ordinance, Ordinance 10.966 will be complied with -excluded from the concession area of the measured parking, within the hours of services.

In addition, the Control Secretariat should establish the guidelines for an initial training course; deliver identification vests; and publish on the website of the Government of the City, the list of qualified vehicle caretakers, indicating credentials and place of work.

The ordinance establishes that the caregivers of authorized vehicles cannot demand the payment of any fee to the holders of vehicles that leave parked their vehicles on public roads. If they decide to do so, the economic contribution will be voluntary and will be made at the moment of removing the film; The requirement or advance request for the delivery of an amount of money is forbidden.

The Control Department will prepare an enrollment form, which will be made available to interested parties, establishing the following requirements: be over 18 years of age; specify name and surname, ID number, marital status, address, studies conducted; medical certificate; color photos type card; certificate of good standing; and enroll in some of the training programs and/or promotion of municipal, provincial or national employment.

The interested party must present proof of domicile in the city of Santa Fe with an adequate documentary and proof of not being registered in the Registry of Delinquent Alimentary Debtors.

The Municipality will evaluate the social situation of each person or family group in order to manage their inclusion and participation in the various existing programs at the municipal, provincial or national level; as well as ventures in the private sphere.

The regulation establishes that registered persons must obligatorily attend and approve a training course for vehicle caregivers that will contemplate the following topics: Instruction on traffic regulations; Public attention and citizen coexistence; Security; Tourist information and Voluntary Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Course.

Other aspects of the Ordinance
Among other sanctioned aspects, the norm indicates that priority will be given to obtaining the permit as caregivers of vehicles for people over 40 years of age and those who have some type of disability.

Those people who have obtained the permit must show the same to the Municipal Control staff when they request it and they will wear fluorescent safety vest performance in their place, which must be permanently visible with their identification number and citizen attention number and legend "Contribution voluntary."

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Reflective vest: The importance of its use to save lives

As of January 1, 2016, the use of reflective vests will be required of anyone who drives a motor vehicle, which must be carried in an accessible place inside the car, such as inside the glove compartment.

"When descending from the vehicle, it is sought that you have your vest on, to avoid being run over in dark places, day or night, that is, where visibility is very low," the Seremi de Transportes Telecomunicaciones told Oscar Pereira.

In the same line, helping the acquisition of this new security element, Conaset, the Chilean Association of Security and Automobile Club of Chile will deliver 25 thousand reflective vests for free to drivers throughout the country until March 2016.

The reflective vest should not be any color, it should be phosphorescent yellow with retro-reflective tapes, to distinguish them from those used in road works.

This regulation seeks to reduce the rate of abuse due to low visibility. Drivers who are caught by carabineros without this security element risk fines ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 UTM, that is an amount not less than approximately $ 22,000.

In the last 10 years, more than 6,000 people have died in Chile and in 2014 alone, 615 pedestrians died in traffic accidents. A point to take into consideration, international experiences being the endorsement of this initiative, where thanks to the use of this reflective material significantly reduce the number of accidents.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Mandatory reflective elements of pedestrians: Better than nothing

In February, pedestrians have to wear reflective elements like reflective vests. But no one deliberately says what they should look like, and besides, the shops are full of shit.

You would have to live abroad or on Mars so that you wouldn't hear about the new pedestrian obligation in the Czech Republic to wear reflective elements outside the village in low visibility. In February, it will be published in the Collection of Laws and then will come into effect in 15 days.

The approval process took so long that the media, politicians, and policemen rejoiced for months, as it is a good idea if the measure brings at least one saved life.

The Besipu campaign started in the fall, half a million reflective tapes, 100,000 seniors' bags and tens of thousands of luminous laces for the young this year. Indeed, the number of victims is really worrying, as 72 pedestrians died in the dark last year. Good experience from abroad, where such an obligation applies for years, and the number of the dead has really decreased rapidly. Will it succeed with us?

Do you know retro-reflection?
Unfortunately, the most important thing in publishing sprawl was to define properly what the "retro-reflective elements" are and how they should look. "We have, for example, fluorescent materials that increase daylight and dusk visibility, but lose their function in the dark," says Besar's head, Martin Farrar. In addition, we found that not every orange or light green work vest is wearing true retro-reflective materials - that is, reflecting light in the night and alerting the character to the dark!

Although transport legislation experts suspect that the term "retro-reflective" refers to a situation of emergency stopping of the vehicle outside the municipality or to the permissible marking of pedestrian formations in low visibility, the implementing regulation depicts examples of working orange "road" workers and a "School" sign in both cases, it is hard for the participants to dress up.

In addition, in the passage on their new designation, this reference is missing. Members have already met it during the vote. "Retro-reflective materials - it's a very difficult word and I admit I'm a little confused about it. It is the word of Latin origin. Reflector means I bend, turn, re - back. How would I translate retro-reflector, I don't know. I probably turn, bend back, backward. Or I bend back, bending back. I wonder in whose clever head the term was born," commented MEP and linguist Daniel Korte of TOP 09. For the sake of order: a term that has been spoken of expressively has been commonly used for the light reflection principle.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Hitchhiker's Guide to Europe: Traveling Safely

A risky way to go on a trip, however, and he has a lot of fans. A huge plus of hitchhiking is that even with limited finances you have the opportunity to visit almost any part of the world where there is a road.

In addition, it is a great way to meet new people and get impressions that you can hardly get on a train or, say, on a plane. We will tell you about the five mandatory rules that must be followed if you want the trip to be successful.

Take care of your appearance
A very important point, since it depends on him whether the trip will take place at all or not. It would seem that the rule is elementary, but some persistently ignore it. Think about the person with whom you will go, most likely, a fairly decent amount of time, and about your safety too.
If you are a lonely girl, don't wear anything unnecessarily tight and short when going on the road, you do not need to provoke the driver once again (in case it is a man). The ideal option is clean, loose clothing that will not hamper your movements and your driver as a whole.
An important point - if you are going to catch a car at night, take care to purchase reflective materials that need to be attached to clothing or wear a reflective vest.

Travel as a couple
If you are planning a trip in a foreign country, it is better to take a friend or a young person with you, as hitchhiking is always associated with risk, and the level of danger depends on the country.
Many people ignore this advice, as they believe that couples are not the best companions, however, according to statistics, drivers have more confidence in couples than in a lonely tourist.
It also happens that you stop the car, but the company is not very pleasant, in this case, ask where your new friends are going, but do not get into the car and just say that you are not on the way.

Plan your route
Despite the fact that you will not be driving, you need to know exactly which way and which roads you can drive to your destination. Experienced hitchhikers always plan their route.
Take a paper road map with you, as the navigator will not catch everywhere, and in some situations, you simply cannot do without a map.
Examine localities along your route; this should be done in case of an emergency.

Agree "ashore"
Even before getting into the car, discuss the conditions of the trip with the driver. The driver must understand that you are going to drive for free. And not going to pay in any way. Refer to the fact that you study at the institute, because there are difficulties with finances, and on the street, it bakes so much that you are unlikely to reach it yourself. Usually, drivers agree to give a ride on such conditions, if you are not an obvious tourist and he is really with you on the way.
This is quite an important point, which will avoid trouble at the end of the trip.

Do not be silent
Do not think that the main reason why you took the driver - sincere spiritual impulses. A person, especially on a long trip, needs at least to exchange a few words with someone. Would you be pleased to put a sullen person next to you, with whom you will spend more than one or even a couple of hours? Hardly. So be open to dialogue.