Monday, January 15, 2018

How to deal with an accident or collision

A road accident, or even a simple accident, is always associated with enormous stress of road safety for the involved road users. Under the influence of emotions, it is easy to lose your head. That is why we suggest what you need to remember to help yourself and others. It does not matter if you will be an event participant or a witness.

Drivers admitted that they happen to exceed speed, for which they were fined. An analogous penalty was met for an incorrectly executed maneuver of 16 percent respondents. This type of misdemeanor is also, unfortunately, frequent causes of collisions and accidents in road traffic. It does not matter if we are prudent and cautious drivers ourselves. The risk of participating in an unpleasant incident on the road applies to anyone who sits behind the wheel.

It is very important to correctly classify the event in which you participated or whom you witnessed. Further proceedings depend on his qualifications. COLLISION is a road incident which results in material losses and only such. A ROAD is a road accident in which injured people are injured or, in the worst-case scenario, are dead. Therefore, the first and basic act after the occurrence of an emergency on the road should always be an assessment of the condition of the injured. If you were the driver, remember that the Road Traffic Law clearly clarifies your duties.

In the event of a collision, you are required to:
Stop the vehicle in a way that does not pose a threat to road safety. Remember to turn on the hazard lights and turn off the ignition and apply the parking brake. In practice, this means using a warning triangle. In the built-up area, the triangle can be positioned directly behind the vehicle. In an un-built area, it should be located 30 to 50 m behind the car. There is a distance of 100 m on the highway. It is also recommended to use a reflective vest. Make sure other road accident participants are able to secure their vehicles. The law also requires you to remove the vehicle from the accident site so that it does not cause any danger or traffic jam. Failure to comply with this regulation may result in the imposition of a mandate, regardless of who was the perpetrator.

It is worth remembering that in the case of a collision there is no obligation to call the police. People involved in the cullet can explain the situation themselves. If there is consent, as to the course of the incident, the offender is obliged to write to the victim the statement in which he admits to cause a collision, give details and the number of the Policy. It is good to have one copy of this blank bill always in the car. Alternatively, they can be written on a blank piece of paper (using the patterns available on the internet). In the event of a collision, we only call the police when circumstances are not clear or when there is a suspicion that a crime has been committed. Don’t forget to keep a safety vest when you stand on road.

The last action you perform in relation to the participation in the collision should be to notify your insurer. In emergencies, all the advantages of having a voluntary AC insurance with the assistance package are revealed. If you have such a policy, the insurer will not only help in mastering the situation, instructing the injured. It can also organize a hotel, a replacement car or a tugboat. The respondents, commissioned by Santander Consumer Bank, indicated that in the event of a breakdown on the road, the most valuable assistance services are free towing a vehicle to the workshop (over 77% of indications), using a replacement car (65%) and mechanic services (42%).

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