Monday, September 29, 2014

Road safety of Children in New School Year

        Road safety is an important issue especially for first-graders. The first-graders in most of the school now received safety vests.

        Now the first years of primary school got their safety vests. Presented they were by Karl Wensauer, the Transactions Officer of MSC Roding on behalf of ADAC and other sponsors.

        In the beginning of autumn, it’s getting dark earlier and the most concerned is the danger to children in traffic accidents, twice as high as in summer. With the reflective safety vests, children are by drivers already from a distance of 150 meters - perceived earlier than with dark clothes. Headmaster Joseph Messerer and the two teachers Tanja podium and Lisa Rahm thanked for the donation and encouraged the children to wear the safety vests during their leisure time. Everyone agreed: "We want you to come to school healthy and back home!" 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

combine reflective fabric with LED technology

In autumn, the conditions for cyclists deteriorate. Among other things, it gets dark earlier. Cyclists still see the road is not unimportant, but more importantly, that they themselves be seen. This can be realized by wearing reflective safety vest with reflective fabrics or equipping the bikes with reflector.
Slowly but surely, the summer time is ticking to a close. At the latest, when on 26 October, the clocks must be reset and the days are getting shorter, wins the bike lights in importance. Fortunately, gone are the days when cyclists with funzeligen bulbs groped through the darkness, and the energy for the dangerous inadequate lighting was from a rubbing on the front tire dynamo which his ministry largely ceased in the rain.
Today, the current for the front and rear lights usually comes from a hub dynamo that operates reliably and without much loss. And the incandescent and halogen bulbs now a thing of the past. Modern lighting systems on bicycles, and even more so in the e-bikes put on LED technology. The current headlights can measure the brightness of car headlights are quite. In contrast to the firmly integrated in the bodywork automotive lighting, modern Radscheinwerfer but must be periodically readjusted. Due to the constant vibrations and jostling at the parking spaces it is easy to feigned headlights so that the wheels can even mutate with the legally prescribed minimum thickness of ten Lux dangerous blenders. Is optimally set of bike lights, when the center of the light cone meets approximately ten meters on the street in front of the wheel.
Before launching into the dark season, the lighting system must be thoroughly checked. This primarily involves the scrutiny of contacts and connections. Because for the cyclist is not only their own good view, quite literally, a matter of survival, being seen is crucial when the days get shorter. Many bicycle accidents could be avoided if the cyclist would have used appropriate reflective products. They include modern amenities such as parking lights front and rear, to be perceived even when stopping at traffic lights. In addition to simple parking light functions, some manufacturers offer through retailers and rear lights with brake light functions with which the traffic behind is warned not to stop. And most importantly, the cyclists themselves shall wear reflective safety vest or reflective helmets.
For over a year the legislature also allows battery-powered front and rear lights on all types of bicycles. However, this lighting requires a marketing authorization for the Federal Motor Transport Authority, which is characterized by wavy line and K-number. "The lights," said Frank Regge from lighting specialists Busch & Müller's press bike, "must have a clear cut-off edge so as not to blind oncoming traffic." Everyday and touring bikes should not be in their own security interest on a fixed waiving installed system with stand, brake and daytime running lights. Also required are the (prescribed) reflectors on the rear, the so-called cat's eyes, and in the spokes of the wheels. Additional protection brings tires with integrated reflective tapes and reflectors on the helmets.
The winner of the new rule are the e-bikes, which already supplied the lighting system with energy from the battery of the drive and reflective products like reflective safety vest or helmets in the past. Thus, the producers offered strictly to illegal wheels. When buying a Pedelcs you have terrible lighting devote more than a glance, because retrofits are these wheels not readily possible because the plants are adapted to the individual models. In a subsequent conversion on your own, the electronics can be damaged.

Friday, September 26, 2014

briefcase with reflective fabric for schoolchildren

To complete school outfit for first graders, parents normally spend between 500 to 1000 Yuan. The largest investment is undoubtedly briefcase. To choose a briefcase that is not only good-looking but also functional is of course most parents’ wishes. And A briefcase with reflective fabrics can largely enhance children’s visibility.

"Heavy bulky backpack full of books on the back of a child can lead to greater fatigue, disturbances posture and curvature of his spine," says pediatrician.

Quality briefcase should be anatomically padded back with soft padding, wide enough straps, reflective tapes and a big advantage is water resistant.

"Price of briefcases and all equipment for the youngest children is from 300 RMB," she said, leading stationery stores in the alley Dagmar.

In all primary schools now underway last preparations to the beginning of the school year include. It first impression is important for future schoolchildren.

"The kids are already looking forward too. Most I've seen u write and i was very pleasant meeting with their parents. I think we will have a nice year together, "said a teacher from elementary school, which was busy with the decoration of their future class athletes.

First graders will find benches and some school supplies. "Children will find on the bench tempera, watercolors, glue, colored paper, wiping the table with a permanent marker, workbooks, textbooks, and the first parts box from the sponsor. Some of these things shall be borne by the school, some parents. At our school is very proven method that teachers choose from the parents a sum of money, for which children buy exactly the same equipment. When each child has a different example, watercolors, very wrong with it work. With this massive purchases are spared parents running around the shops and additionally save, because some utilities get a discount, "explains Knot.

"Equipping children to school is not cheap. It is much better if they have at least something equally attached bar. Children from socially disadvantaged families would be able to from the very beginning to feel inferior, "says Irena Svobodová of Domažlic.

And for safety consideration, Parents are suggested to buy equipment with reflective fabrics, and also to buy a fashionable safety vest and caps with reflective fabrics. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Three tips for increasing visibility

This week began the new school year and the police just focused on the area around the school. Under the action Chinastars handed out promotional reflective materials and instructed children how to behave properly in the third elementary school in Hradec.

"As part of a nationwide transport action, this week will increase oversight of not only the children who come through frequent communication in schools, but also of all adults. The aim of the event is to remind pedestrians, but also drivers, road safety rules in this area.” Chinastars representatives said when interviewed. The police then selected schools with pupils on this topic. In addition to safety at crossings will also focus on the issue of bike riding. With children, traffic police will test their knowledge of traffic signs, dealing with traffic situations and knowledge of the basic rules of the road, "said police spokeswoman Hana Miller.

The cause of many tragic accidents, according to her is the lack of visibility of pedestrians. Visibility can be increased by the appropriate color clothes and accessories from reflective materials that reflect the incident light to a distance of 200 meters, significantly improve visibility at night and in poor visibility.

Three tips for increasing visibility:

1. Adults to apply reflective and fluorescence materials on the clothing or briefcases, and combine them to be clearly visible in daylight and in the dark. Thant is to wear reflective safety clothing or carry reflective briefcases

2. The most suitable place for applying the reflective material is at the end of the sleeves, near the knee and waist level (also for cyclists and bike helmet)

3. Children to take safety clothing, reflective school bags and accessories with the reflective and fluorescent security features. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Regular checks to guarantee cyclists' safety

Police focused on cyclists during one afternoon and this kind of check has lasted almost three decades. Only a few of them whose wheel was fine, the server told police spokeswoman Milena Šabatová.

Checks are carried out on the bike trail in the Old Town, which runs along the Bata Canal. “There will be a biggest cycle race in next month, but very few people care to ensure that their bike was equipped so as the law requires," said Šabatová.

This activity is to prevent the possible accident caused by improper equipment of the bike. All bikes have to be attached with reflective tapes or sticker, and all riders of the race have to wear reflective safety vest.

Each cyclist have to guarantee that their bikes have two independent functional brakes, front white reflector, red rear reflector, side reflectors on the wheel spokes and ending off the handlebars. "If in dim light condition, visibility is reduced, then cyclist is required to use light both front and rear. Children under 18 years old should remember that when they cycle, they must always have a helmet. And this applies even when driving a short distance," added Šabatová.

If cyclists didn’t match the required conditions, more than two thousand cyclists would have to lose the chance of taking the race. So cyclists are purchasing the safety equipment like reflector, reflective safety vest, reflective fabrics or tapes everywhere in a hurry.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

a policeman commit probable suicide

A policeman in yellow reflective safety vest with reflective fabric was found dead by police after he cut off several hours with his service weapon at his home in Paris, has-been learned from a police source that evokes a "probable suicide."
Brigade Research and Intervention (BRI), fielded in the twelfth arrondissement after warning given by the wife of the policeman, came shortly after 20:30 and "found the officer who had died," said the source. "This is probably a suicide," she has said.  

The officer of 40 years, police stationed at the fourth arrondissement of Paris, was entrenched with his service weapon in his home since the end of the day. His companion also in reflective safety vest came into the office and warned police around 5:50 p.m., informing rescue suicidal intentions of his companion. A police source had estimated that it was a "private matter".

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Visibility enhanced by adding reflective fabric element

Mobile phone, failure to comply with signage and pedestrian facilities ... 75% of parents admit to risky behavior when accompanying their children to school. The local government has been advocating the inserting of reflective fabric element on school uniforms and schoolbags to enhance the visibility.
In this week back to school, it is time to lead by example. According to an Opinion Way poll commissioned by the group Insurers Prevention, many parents whose attitude would not be a model for road safety: 75% of them admit indeed have risky behaviors with their children in the street, in the school and educational trips.
For five years, 2500 pedestrians were killed. Less visible and especially unaware of the danger, children under 15 are particularly prone to road accidents: in 2012, 2,500 young people were injured and 35 were killed.
Whether the numbers of highway safety and those of the present study, the numbers are alarming. Especially since pollsters interviewed a sample of 1,009 people representative of the French population.

Mobile phone, or the new scourge of the past five years. If phone use while driving increases the risk of accident by 5 , write a text message ... multiplied by 23! However, there is not only leading the laptop less alert parents: they readily acknowledge it hard to do without it, even when they are supposed to supervise their children on the sidewalk.
Thus, 58% of respondents said they walk the phone glued to his ear, 42% say writing or reading text messages and 23% walk even with their laptop in hand ... to play, read or review applications. The smartphone is a new risk factor with which to be reckoned according to the president of Insurers Prevention Nicolas Moreau, because "in everyday life, people are not necessarily aware of the danger of such behavior. "Indeed: only 14% of respondents recommended the nanny to drop his phone to fully ensure the safety of the child they have given him.

"Do what I say ... but certainly not what I do! "
Six out of ten parents are unable to provide the route themselves, and must rely on family or if a nurse to take over. If parents surveyed allow some variance with their children on the way to school, they reveal much more anxious and demanding when they entrust their children to others.
54% and provide safety to meet, including cross at crosswalks: 64% recommending it, even though the majority of them (54%) say they do not always follow the rule literally.
Walking on the sidewalk is also a requirement for 52% of parents surveyed, while over a third (37%) admit to walk on the floor with their little one.

And if we start now to set an example?
The safety of our kids through the education they receive at home. And if we take good resolutions for the fall? Here are some tips that are easy to apply ... and that can change everything.
Children mimic the behavior of their parents, then lead by example!
Start learning about road safety from 3 years: not to run on the sidewalk, locate the white stripes of the crosswalk, waiting for the "little green man" look left and right before crossing ...
Emphasize the process "to stop, observe and cross" even on pedestrian crossings: one third of pedestrians killed on the road were killed on a pedestrian crossing in theory.
Finally, increase the visibility of your children wear safety vest with reflective fabrics, so they will be perceived harms more than 150m by motorists, against 30m.

If the summer is still the deadliest for motorists and two-wheelers, pedestrians are especially vulnerable from November to February for reasons of visibility. Enhance your and your children’s visibility by inserting reflective fabric into your clothing and bags.

On these boards, Chinastars wish you a great return at especially rhyming with security.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Increase child visibility with CNSS reflective fabric and safety vest

To increase the visibility of your child during the trips, Chinastars offers until September 30, safety vests with the best reflective fabric at its official website.
We have seen recently with a survey by the Institute for Opinionway Insurers Association Prevention: the path that leads our children to school can be full of pitfalls, even when our kids are accompanied by a family member (75% of parents admit to having had risky behavior in the street during school extracurricular trips or in the presence of their children). Given this situation more worrying, Chinastars is to ensure their safety and put the maximum safe from danger with a safety vest embedded with the best reflective fabric.
The essential of the season!
Until September 30th, your favorite, in partnership with Underwriters Prevention magazine, offers the opportunity to gain a "safety vest" that will make your child more visible to drivers , especially when they want to cross the road.
Conforms to safety standards EN 1150, fluorescent, with two 5cm silver reflective fabric tapes, vest Velcro closure is perfectly tailored for children aged six to ten years. Indispensable!

To get this valuable safety vest, plz visit