Sunday, February 25, 2018

Orange vests as a symbol: Drivers should receive more money

A number of public transport drivers supported the protest of their colleagues from Jawbone. Dozens of bus drivers, trolleybuses, and trams from the Labem Region have dressed yesterday with reflective vests. They wanted to support the protest of their colleagues from Jawbone who called for the fight against dumped prices in public transport. The orange vest also took several drivers from the local transport company.

"We have no average wage"
The problem of trade unionists in the region is mainly low wages and lack of drivers. The average gross wage in the Labem Region was 23,696 crowns. Such a salary does not often have drivers of transport companies often with overtime. Bus Line dealers, which provide some lines in the Usti Region, therefore require that the minimum wages of drivers be clearly set in the award of contracts.

A couple of drivers took the vest, others were afraid
According to the head of trade unionists of the Jerk Rudolf Transport Company, the Duchy average drivers' salary of CZK 22,000 including overtime. "The problem is that drivers are not," he said. Not all drivers were wearing reflex vests to support the demands of their colleagues from Jawbone. "Some have not taken the vest because of fears of possible consequences," said Musial, and the transport company's management also found out whether the rider would ride in orange vests and would not violate the prescription for clothing. "It turned out that no violation of the regulations would occur." Musial said. The exact number of drivers who took Comet’s orange vests was unsuccessful. "We did not follow it, it was only for the decision of the drivers," commented the Comet trade union chief.

The Czech press office (CTK) said that the local government knows about the protest, but it will not interfere with it. "We competed with the carrier, the price we pay for how much money is then distributed, it's a matter of companies," she said. "The tenders are behind us and the carriers said they wanted to pay for the prices they said we cannot get apart to decide to increase prices," Kaminski added. The Region signed ten-year contracts for the operation of bus lines. The problem is, according to councilor Yaroslavl Kaminski, mainly in the lack of drivers. "By now setting a minimum wage, they will not come. The problem is that there are no apprenticeships, "he said.

Without work, 51,782 people were unemployed in September; the unemployment rate was 9.1 percent. Drivers, according to the Labor Office, are among the most sought-after professions. Flyers with information about the protest had some drivers in Most and Litvinov in their cabin. "The leadership did not allow us to wear high visibility vests, so we will have leaflets to support our colleagues," said ČTK chairman of the transport union, the company's drivers take an average of CZK 21,311. Vests also dressed some street drivers in Labem. "We agree that wages should be dignified. However, the protest is voluntary, and the employees can join him individually, "said Jan Hampers, the union's chief, who is now waiting for talks on a new collective agreement that will cover wages.

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