Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Are you going by bike or scooter? Backpacks with LED signal lights


Many people daily use their bicycles or electric scooter to go to work or study. And it is that in recent years, we have seen how urban mobility has been changing. More and more people prefer to use this type of transport and leave their car parked, as well as not having to use public transport.


This has meant that in many of the streets of the main cities, we find more and more people who travel by bicycle or electric scooter. The accidents in which this type of means of transport has been involved have been many in recent years, which has made the DGT is establishing new rules in the use of them.


Although some of the causes of these accidents are the recklessness of the drivers themselves, the lack of signage is another major problem. Although on bicycles it is somewhat easier to indicate our maneuvers with the arm, with the scooter it is somewhat more complicated, for that reason, we are going to show below some models of backpacks with LED lights to signal our maneuvers and that other drivers can know what we will do in advance.


When buying one of these backpacks with the signaling of maneuvers through LED lights, it is important to take into account several aspects. One of them is its capacity, here we will have to think about our needs, if we are one of those who need to carry many things in our backpack, such as a laptop, work clothes, etc. On the other hand, it is important to check if it has other reflective material elements since this will help us to be much more visible when we are driving at night.


Of course, if the fabric is waterproof, we will avoid that any dip while we move, which can wet everything that we carry inside. The capacity of its battery is also another important piece of information since we need sufficient autonomy so that we can signal our maneuvers throughout our journey.


Another option to take into account is that it has a remote control, a control that we can attach to the handlebars of our bicycle or scooter and from which we can control each of the signs that appear on the backpack itself. It is also interesting to check the size of the signals, the number of LEDs, etc.


Backpacks with LED signage

Backpack with a 35-liter capacity that incorporates a USB charger and is made of high-quality, water-resistant, and highly durable nylon. The built-in battery offers an autonomy of up to 12 hours and offers the possibility of displaying three LED signals to indicate a left turn, right turn, and danger signal when we go by bicycle or scooter. It also has other reflective elements so that we can be seen on the road without any problem.


Backpack with an executive design measuring 48 × 38 cm, padded straps for maximum comfort, and a remote control function with built-in control to be placed on the handlebar of the bike or scooter. In this way, from the command itself, we can indicate the signals that will be displayed on the backpack through its panel of LED lights.

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