Monday, May 20, 2019

Traffic chooses O Grove to encourage the use of reflective vests among cyclists

Agents of the Civil Guard distributed these elements among users who circulated yesterday by the PO-316 -This road is within the "Protected Cycling Routes"

Agents of the Civil Guard of Traffic of the subsector of Pontevedra distributed yesterday reflective vests between the cyclists who circulated by the PO-316, to the height of the roundabout of San Vicente de O Grove. The members of Traffic stayed at that point for one hour with the aim of promoting and promoting the use of high visibility garments among cyclists to improve their safety before other drivers of vehicles.

The campaign has been launched in O Grove but will be extended to the whole province, focusing, above all, on those roads classified as "Protected Cycling Routes" that run throughout Pontevedra and that in O Salnés are concentrated in the area of the peninsula Mecca and Sanxenxo. The campaign launched by the Traffic Subsector of the Civil Guard of Pontevedra has the collaboration of the Galician Federation of Cycling, aware that their federated and bicycle lovers are risking their lives on more than one occasion when they go out to enjoy a sport that, each time, has many more followers.

The choice of the San Vicente roundabout has not been a coincidence, since the PO-316, a road that crosses the Isthmus of A Lanzada, is included within the Protected Cycling Routes, that is, within a group of roads that are used to to be used by cyclists on a regular basis and that has led the Traffic Department to highlight them in order to avoid the occurrence of abuses in them.

In Galicia, there are a total of 12 roads included in this catalog, which add nearly 700 kilometers in which to enjoy the bicycle without the fear of being hit by a vehicle. In these paths, the DGT has implemented a series of measures such as the signaling of the route, the temporary reduction of the speed limit and greater vigilance by the Civil Guard agents in compliance with the rules, in particular, the respect to the lateral distance in overtaking (1.5 meters minimum), the inadequate speed or the anti-regulation maneuvers. This last measure not only applies to car drivers but also controls cyclists.

In addition to the PO-316, PO-312 and the PO-317 (San Vicente road) included in this program are also located in O Grove, among the cyclists. valued in a very positive way, since it guarantees certain security in each one of your exits at the time of circulating through these spaces.

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