Monday, March 4, 2019

Five new yellow angels

It is the main hour of the hour in Semitransparent in Bad Shortening: shortly after noon, lunch break. At the pedestrian crossing former hospital is police chief Michael Beet from the local office with four boys and a girl from the sixth grade of the Grabbed middle school. You have passed the theoretical final exam as a student or bus pilot and are currently being instructed in the field. Some of them, with astonished, almost anxious cheeks, say, "Wow, there's a lot going on!" Motorists respect the black of the police uniform and the reflective tape of the children. A golf driver stops rather than a boy with reflective vest steps very close to the sidewalk. Immediately a queue with five, six vehicles forms.

As Jonas Marker is sent with the trowel in his hand and the yellow vest with reflective fabric on the body over the marked transition to the other side of the street, he must decide himself when he can lift the trowel. In principle, the right of way has the flowing traffic. The task of the pupils' guides is to hold back the children who are collecting from the curb and, with the trowel raised, to go to the middle of the street when no car is rolling. The stopping distance at 50 kilometers per hour has been calculated beforehand: 27.5 meters, that is around 27 curbstones. Police chief Beet steps it off, the students memorize the place.

Being a student pilot is fun

Jonas occupies the opposite side of the street and always keeps eye contact with Sven on the other side. Pupils' guides are only allowed to supervise a transition by road traffic regulations, adult school helpers alone. Jonas and Fabian Marker from Munchhausen and Justin Foch from Hofstadter have to do their duty even earlier: At the bus stop, make sure that no child runs into the street or in front of the arriving bus and makes sure on the bus that everyone stays in his place and especially The first and second years help to get a seat.

Why a twelve-year-old decides to get up earlier from the coming school year and put himself at the service of road safety? "I think it's necessary to be there for others and to help them get to school without injury," Sven reveals all sorts of social skills. Likewise Justin: "Because it's fun." He could not even know: "Oh, yes, I'm also at the fire department. That's almost the same. Everyone can not only think of themselves. "When ex-students drop out of the piloting team of teacher Ganja Bohr at the end of the school year, they move on as seventh-year students and monitor their transition, alternately with the adult school helpers. In the fortress road/confluence Schlesinger the high school students lift the trowel and in the Dr.-Karl-Grunewald-Strafe / junction Theatre-in-the-round, the pilots of the secondary school.

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